Chapter 1

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"Unni, here!"

"Oh, Ah Young!" I smiled at my friend and rushed to where she and my brother were seated. We, including Bo Ra and Eun Taek, are having dinner tonight as send off for Ah Young. She's going to the US on Saturday. I hugged her and gave my gift for her which I bought from Bo Ra's boutique.

"Oh? Thank you, Unni! You didn't have to." Ah Young shyly opened the gift. I just pinched her cheek and smiled as an answer.

"Jun, are you okay?" He just nodded. Of course, he's not okay. His girlfriend will be leaving him for months.

"Hello, Hong! Ah Young! Jun!" Bo Ra and Eun Taek just arrived too. They look so happy together. I wish I had the same normal relationship too. Oh wait, I have no romantic relationship.

We ordered meat and sea foods and had meaningful as well as funny conversations. I thought we were almost done as I think we've been here for two hours now. It's not that I am not enjoying their company, it's just that we are in the middle of the week and I'm already so dead tired I can't wait to hit the bed.

"Are you in, Hong?" Bo Ra quipped. She's the only close person I have who calls me by my surname.

"Huh? Sorry." I totally spaced out, didn't I?

"I said I have a friend from the US who just came and we'll be meeting on Friday. I just thought you can come with Eun Taek and I. Double date, you know?" My friend said knowingly. She already knows my answer.

"I already have plans on Friday. Sorry. Maybe next time?"

She sighed. "Until when are you gonna be like this, Hong?"

I shot her a confused look. I don't know where is this coming from.

"It's already been three years." She started. "You can't be like that forever. You can't wait until when Sunbae decides to come. What if he never will? You should start to move on now. We can't let you become miserable forever."

"I am not miserable!" I protested but they all looked at me like I really was. I just fell silent. Maybe I was. They are right. I have to take steps to move on. I can't stand on the same ground forever. Besides, I've already decided on this last night. "Alright. I'll go with you." I surrendered."

They all clapped and cheered on me as if I just won the lottery. "Just make sure this is worth it though."

Bo Ra and Eun Taek nodded enthusiastically and talked nonstop about positive stuff about that person.


"Chief Seol, is the report for Monday ready?" my officemate asked just as I was about to clean up my things. It's Friday and I have a double date with Bo Ra, Eun Taek and their friend. I can't be late or Bo Ra won't leave me for it.

"Yes, I already sent it to you a while ago." Does this man ever read e-mails? Speaking of e-mails, did Jung Sunbae already read my e-mails? I was tempted to open my personal e-mail account but decided to shake off the thought and closed my laptop instead. Focus. I need to focus. I have a date and I am not supposed to think of another man at this moment, a man who probably hasn't thought of me for three years at that.

I packed up my bag immediately and went to the place Bo Ra texted me.

It was a fancy restaurant. Then I remember the resto Sunbae and I went to when we first dated. I only had soup. The attendant ushered me to the left most table. And there a man was patiently waiting.

"Hong Seol?" he asked me, more startled than glad. I'm sure I brushed my haired though.

"Yes. Park Myung Soo, right?"

"Ah yes. It's nice to meet you." He raised his hand for a hand shake. He is tall, maybe almost as tall as Sunbae and has a bright, friendly smile. "Please take a seat." He added.

"Hm.. where is Bo Ra and Eun Taek though. They are always late." I shake my head, dubious of those two. I'm sure they planned this.

"The called me a while ago and said they can't come. An emergency came up, I think." He said shyly.

"Really?!" I was surprised that it came out as half shout. "Sorry, I was just surprised. They did not inform me about it. Maybe we can reschedule this or something?"

"Huh? It's okay for me to carry on. I mean, we are already here, right?" He smiled goofily.

I felt betrayed by those two but I can't let this man down. I'm sure he did nothing wrong. This is Bo Ra's doing. With that, I agreed to just stay and have dinner at least.

Surprisingly, the conversation went well. Myung Soo was very jolly and easy to talk to. He is like an old friend I met after years of being apart, unlike the last blind date Bo Ra set up for me. He had so many stories but instead of annoying, I found it fascinating. He made me speak about my experiences too and he listened to me intently even though I know mine weren't as interesting as his. Will it be like this with Sunbae when we meet again? Or IF we ever meet again? I dismissed the thought immediately.

The night ended well. Mung Soo drove me home even when I convinced him not to. I was home by 11 and Bo Ra started blasting my phone with calls and messages. I did not answer. It's not that I am angry, just that I want her to know that she can't do that to me ever again.

I sat at my bed tired but surprisingly not as sad as I was yesterday or the days that passed. Well, at least for a minute. I opened my phone's gallery and stared at Sunbae's one and only picture with me. My tears start to fell. I want to see him even for a minute, even a second will do, or even a news that he is doing fine. I just so miss him.

I really am miserable, am I not? I just went out with a great guy, and here I am again crying for another man.

Sunbae, I still love you and I miss you. Have you forgotten about me?

Hugging my phone with the photo close to my heart, I cried myself to sleep.

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