chapter two

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Okay so am thinking the girl on the picture in this chapter looks like Katie. She is alone studying, she has big thighs and a little fat arms and despite her hair being blonde (is it my eyes or does it have blondish vibe?) that is how I picture Katie. Well let's face it the girl on the picture isn't fat but you will understand how she resembles her once you are by the end of the chapter.



She was sitting at the curb inside her school studying for her geometry quiz at recess when a tall body blocked the view in front of her. She looked up to see a tall figure looking down on her.

"You are in my AP class right?"

Katie couldn't move her lips. Someone speaking to her.. No, someone directly speaking to her because he noticed her was not something she ever expected. Especially at school. Asides from teachers of course.

She felt her hands shake when she saw it was the new guy. She noticed him a couple of times talking with some of the cliques throughout the school. Which is something he should stop by the way, she thought.

Most people here in this school don't like mixing up, somebody should have told you that, she almost said the first time he stood beside her.

She nodded for his question and kept staring at him like a trophy.

"Katie right?"

She nodded again. The feeling that took over her was very strange.. She couldn't even identify what it was.

"Cool, shouldn't you be eating before beating up your brain at recess though?"

"Why? Cause I seem the type to do that?" She was offended now. The feeling she felt.. She definitely now felt like it was suspicion. How dare someone mock her on the wide open?

"Excuse me?" He looked appealed just as much as she did.

Katie got up quickly and started putting her things in her bag ready to storm off.

"Hey, what did I do? I didn't mean it that way"

She thought he sounded sincere. But she didn't want to believe him. She wondered if this first attempt to befriend her might have a back story. She genuinely believed no one this attractive would care to show any interest in her in any kind of way.

"Then why are you talking to me?" Katie shot. The guy in front of her could only stare at her like she was unbelievable.

"If you want answers for the quiz I am not that good at letting people cheat. Or so I heard. So I am no use to you"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Excuse me?"

"What has this school done to you?", he almost screamed at no particular person.

"What are you talking about?"

He stormed before she got her answer leaving her yearning for attention she let slip away. Did she say something that bad?



He was appealed. He was shocked.. impaled.. offended... and angry! The last one wasn't something he usually felt but when he did.. Oh hell would wash over. How dare she?

He definitely didn't expect to be shot at for showing mild interest. He did that considering she seemed.. He thought she would like the act of friendship.

No one, might he say no one, ever mistook his intentions. He let everyone he ever knew his true colors. He was a good guy! He had kind intentions towards everyone. Never hurt anybody who didn't deserve it. Never even someone who did, at least not intentionally. And even then there would never be pain other than one from punchs. He never let anyone feel the pain of words. How could she think he was accusing her of being... what she thought he meant!

He was standing in front of his locker kicking the bottom as hard he could with his foot. He still couldn't believe she dared accused of him something else. Did he actually let himself get carried away by useless thoughts and looked insincere? Insincere.. He never thought it was a word that anyone would use to describe him. Was he really this off track?

After the bell rang remarking the end of recess he saw Katie walking towards him in class. He was dead sure she wouldn't let him sit anywhere close to her so he made a move first and sat at the table behind the table he sat before she got inside the class.

He looked away fearing the anger that might come steaming again if he made direct eye contact. But then he heard footsteps stop right in front of him. He looked up to see the beautifully sculpt figure in front of him.

"I am sorry"

"What?" For the second time today this girl he was looking at managed to surprise him.

"Listen, I said I am sorry. I am not used to people walking up to me and not asking anything academic or directions. You were offended by my reply meaning you had no grave intentions so if you really did talk to me for being me, I apologize"

"It is not just 'if I really talked to you for being you', it IS 'I talked to you cause you are you'. I just thought you wanted company"

"Well I didn't. But thanks for bothering."

"Okay no offense but that took you way off the good apology chart"

"I mean I am grateful. But it is okay, you don't have to waste your time"

"You are not a waste of time", he said and he meant very word of it. She was beautiful. Cute button nose, full kissable lips, big brown eyes, curly red hair all over her shoulders and almost over to her big curves. But it wasn't just physically he was attracted. He felt like he wanted to get to know her.

"You have no right to say that" she looked angry now.

"And why is that?"

"You don't know me"

"So? I can still assure you you don't look like the rest of the girls I know"

"Exactly" Katie sighed.

"Exactly. It is a good thing. I want to make you believe that is a good thing. Will you let me?"

Her big brown eyes seemed to look sadly into his hazel ones pleading for him not to do this but he wasn't budging. He wanted to show her the world that existed. No one deserved to be left out anywhere.


Bammm.. Congrats you now know Katie isn't that fat. Well her BMI is over 25 that I assure you and she is above average that is why people won't talk to her but she actually has a tiny waist. And no double chin luckily. And curves ulala, boys like a little to hold at night don't they? Ha, maybe that is why Josh is talking to her... ?? Well I would like to talk more about them but I feel like I might spoil the next chapters so...

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