Chapter Eight

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Walking to her next class, Katie didn't seem to mind passing by jocks this Friday. Other Fridays, she would hang her head low and hope for a miracle and they wouldn't see her huge body gliding beside them. The jocks were definitely smiling about a game, high fiving each other and laughing over the anticipation of some game and an after party but she didn't look down or cross her finger for luck of them not seeing her. She actually smiled due to seeing she wasn't the only happy person in the halls. It really was a beautiful morning.

It might've been loud.. And she could hear sirens outside her school but all seemed well. Everyone was busy on their Friday routines.

"Hey" a voice called out to her from their side. Not quite believing what she was hearing Katie's smile fell and instead she showed a perplexed look and burrowed her eye brows together.

"What's your name?", the guy she knew was quarterback for the football team took a step closer to her and asked eagerly.

"Katie" Katie said not so excitedly as she had been for Josh. Was she turning arrogant? Maybe having him already by her side, she didn't need approval from the rest.

"Nice to meet you Katie. You new?"

Katie laughed at his question. She spent all her years learning with this guy and the day she decided she didn't need him to notice her, he does and he asks her if she was a new student? If that wasn't funny, she didn't know what was.

"No Chad, she was the fa.." one of them said then cleared his throat at the offensive word he almost said and continued "uhmm, girl who had problems in middle school"

One guy never acknowledging her existence and the other knowing but never batting an eye her way was kind of something she would expect the guys her school to do but hearing it from up close felt like a pang to her chest. No wonder Josh was depressed here, this guys were jerks.

"Oh sorry" Chap tried to show a charming smile but Katie only saw a sloppy, unattractive, dull expression. And to think she wanted to join these people once. "So Katie, tell me. Why are you smiling my way?"

"Excuse me?"

The rest if his team started snickering like the bunch of misbehaved children they were.

"Hey don't be shy. I noticed you smiling our direction. Would you like.. Uhm, I don't know, go out with me and spread the happy virus. I could say yes, if you ask me nicely", he grinned, his tongue about to escape the side of his lips. He not only looked like an imbecile he actually acted like one.

"Yeah, no thanks" Katie spat and flipped her way turning from the arrogant guys she wished she knew. Well now she did, a bit but with no wish of doing more.

Entering her Geo class, ready to explain her gratitude towards Josh for being who he was, she stopped for there was no one in the seat. She looked back ready to wait for him but their teacher was already on his way in behind her.

She knew she usually came in before Josh but he wasn't the type to be tardy either. Not like she could say that with hundred percent certainty but she heard him say so before. Maybe he was just held by his teacher.



Teary eyed, Josh stopped before his house. His previously hammering heart felt like it couldn't even pump blood. The fear of the thoughts flashing on his mind had his organ pause its jobs and stay frozen expecting someone to jump at him from the crowd in front of his house. He couldn't move for what felt like hours. He was too afraid to take one more step dreading what he was going to see in his house.


Dead body?

Some type of weapon?

Just some regular burglary?

He tried so dearly to shake the feeling he was having trying to convince himself nothing was going on but he just couldn't...

He saw an ambulance start its engines and reverse from their drive and Josh's pulse at that started racing again. That woke him from his daze and he started running as fast as he could to catch the moving car.

"No stop" Josh's tears were betraying his eyes now. Big drops made their way out as fast as his running speed and his throat started hurting for holding them so long.

"Hey I said stop" he caught up with the van and started beating its sides. That only made it drive faster and leave him slightly behind. "You guys better not have heard, stop your freaking tires"

He felt like a four year old, that has had his mother taken from him again. He was in her positions now. Running after her possession that someone dared try to steal. He saw her in the position of the ambulance before. A man running with him in his arms and him seeing her shed her eyes and run like no other to catch up to him with her arms spread.

This time he was in her position. Running to catch up to whomever was in that ambulance with tears blurring his visions.

His legs betrayed him and his weight buckled tripping on himself and coming down hard and hitting his sides. The pain was welcomed onto his body trying to make place chasing away his fear by pain.. But it didn't work. At least not more that a few seconds. He curled up to a ball at that spot and started cursing out loud so loudly the earth would've shook if it could. He yelled his lungs out and tried to free his pain.

"Son, are you okay?", an elderly officer came towards his way and asked worried.

Getting no reply, he tried again only more cautiously and softly this time. "Are you part of that family?"

Josh opened his eyes wide and got up from the ground to run to the man who came after him.

"Yes. Yes. Please what is going on? Is my dad okay? Please I just need to know if he is alive"

"Relax son. Nobody is dead. We will drive you to the hospital, you should see them there"

With no other answer, escorted by police cars, they made their way there.

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