Chapter Ten

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Katie woke Tuesday morning feeling utter emptiness. She would pinch her numb arms every few minutes to check if she even felt physical pain often not quite successful.

She waited for Josh yesterday. She hoped he would barge in class in the middle of the session. She hoped he would jump to the chair across the table she sat in front of at recess. She hoped he would call her out from the library she was in at lunchtime that added up to her miserable mood. She even held back from leaving early from school in case he would appear suddenly to bid her goodbye.

She was growing attached to him more than she noticed. He was the sole reason she was smiling this days. And she missed him... A lot.

And she would grow red thinking how he dared leave her alone in the miserable place they called school. If only she could see him again, she would break every bone he had then hug him so tight, he wouldn't be able to breath.

Katie stood in front of the mirror inside her bathroom and saw her dark circles. She felt exactly as she had the first week of school. Miserable, ugly, fat and... And a loner. She had no reason to go to school. She knew he disliked.. No.. Despised the school but she didn't think he would choose to leave so soon.

She felt her stomach churning and held it a bit to calm her sickness down. She felt like throwing up and she hoped if she did.. She would rid herself of Josh's memories as well. He wasn't doing her good playing with her emotions. She knew he wasn't even doing anything but it boiled her blood how he could affect her so greatly already.


"You okay?" Cameroon stared at his friend who crashed in consecutively at his house through worried eyes.

"Uhm" Josh said through closed lips sleeping on Cameroon's bed.

"Are you really okay?"

"Geez man you are asking me that for the billionth time. What do you want?" Josh yelled finally getting off his friends bed after two days.

"Nothing! Why would I want anything?" Cameroon scuffed offended. "It is just, you didn't tell me about the time you went out to visit your dad. He is okay, you said that but.. Is he really? And are you?"

Josh had been staying here since he called Cameroon to pick him up from the hospital. He didn't even realize he run off to see his dad leaving his car behind at the school parking lot. But he didn't care. He just wanted to move away front them now.

"Cam I'm sorry, I'm just so jet lagged right now", he rubs his eyes and sits comfortably on the bed. "You don't have to ditch school just to be by my side, you know that right?"

"And let you run off with my other car keys and mamas chinas, yeah no thanks"

Josh scuffs and grins and his friends attempt to lighten up the mood. But they both has eye bags from their sleepless nights. While Josh was busy contemplating his families trickery, Cameroon was busy worrying about his ass too. He sees that.

"Pieces of the puzzle formed together"


"Dad leaving work, Bessy sleepless and cutting, Gwen offering help around our house.. It all makes sense now. Not that I thought it was weird even before but I realize now I was the only one left out in that family"

Cameroon with his face tight, silently listened to his friend. He offered to get water but Josh grabbed his arm to finish what he was going to say.

"No wait, if I can't tell you I can't tell anybody. You remember Bessy was sort of troubled right? She wouldn't sleep, she would always stress to get money, she rambled when she dozed off and yet she would wake up soon after and scream for Dad. Clearly we both thought she was a crazy sister but I just assumed with her being way older than me and mom gone, she was just working hard to feel the void in our lives. But it wasn't just that. Dad had heart problems. He had it ever since mom was.. Mom umm.. left. He didn't quit because he was depressed, he was depressed because he got fired for being ill. He was sick all these years and I didn't even know it, like what the heck. Am I even his son? He would lay around in the couch reading newspapers and I didn't think he was seeing the job sections, I saw him for being a lazy old man. One that doesn't care what happens to me and couldn't get over the death of his daughter and mother" josh stood up and rambled scratching his head furiously and strolling across the room.

"Hey it wasn't your faut. Don't beat..."

"Of course it wasn't my fault. I didn't kill any of them, I didn't pray for his disease. But what kind of a son wouldn't see his dad's pain? I only saw it for what I beloved it was. Sadness, tragic losses whatever else. And yet when he disappeared for two weeks to get a pacemaker, I thought he was getting his freako with his new wife"

"So you are more pissed off at yourself for not noticing than them hiding it from you?"
Cameroon asks calmly.

"No it wasn't my fault. No no. No way in hell. I am a teenager, of course I would be oblivious to this. I am supposed to be arrogant and rebel all the time. They are lucky I wasn't hard to control. If I added up to that I wouldn't have forgiven myself"

"You don't sound like you belief it wasn't your fault"

"No, I do. Of course it wasn't, it is just, how could they not have told me. I would've worked to help out. I wouldn't blame them for everything going downfall. I would have actually been more grateful to Gwen"

"But you said your supposed to be a teenager. Ignorant, rebel and carefree. They didn't want to nudge you if you ask me"

"Look still.."

"I think you should just go see your dad man. Cool off and see what you feel when your hormones aren't blowing up." Cameroon reckoned and got up to leave Josh to figure things out on his own. Josh saw his friend wanted to give him space to come up with a decision himself.

And so, he strolled corner to corner for hours before deciding he would listen to Cam.

This thing is getting to depressed shit for me.. Will be heating it up for Kash on the upcoming chapter

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