Chapter five

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"Why is that girl glaring at you?" Katie asked Josh who has been smiling at everything she said the past ten minutes after the teacher was done with his course.

"What makes you think she is glaring at me?" Josh asked still smiling at her.

"Why would she glare at me?"

"Because she can't ever be half of the person you are"

Katie blushed then. She imagined her freckles lost in a sea of redness on her cheeks and pulled her hands to cover her face.

She felt a warm manly hand pulling both her hands down and saw a million dollar white smile flashing right in front of her. The feeling that took over her the day before when Josh talked to her at the curb returned. She felt warmth trickle down to her toes. What was happening to her?

"Did your ears just turn red?"

"Jerk", she muttered with a smile and pushed him to move a little away from her.

"Wow what is with that word today", Josh said to no particular someone and scratched his head.

"Who called you that?" Katie said no longer with a smile. Josh didn't strike her as a guy to ever do anything to deserve being called that.

"Who cares?"

Katie frowned and Josh grabbed her cheeks and mimicked a smile across her face. "You normally this silly?"

"Nah, I am mustering up special courage today" he replied.

"Are you okay?", she asked all of a sudden.

She saw his face lose all trace of friendliness then. Instead she saw a dark cloud wash over his entire complexion and scare her to her feet. She could have sworn she felt his palms cupping her face turn ice cold in less than a second.

"Why are you asking?", he asked pulling down his hands.

"You have been acting all moody since morning and your eyes don't exactly look rested" Katie replied cautiously and her voice losing its strength by each word and almost a whisper at the end.

"I was moody?", he asked and threw a smile. The smile didn't reach his eyes like before though. It was almost like he was trying to convince her he was fine.

"You were silly in the morning. Then you turned all jumpy then cheery and you were all tired at the beginning of the course and didn't even say something witty then you turned silly again and now you are.. ", she was too scared of finishing the sentence. Maybe it was all in her head but she did notice those things. And she did notice the button she was turning while speaking these words. She decided shutting up was the best option for now. For a minute she assumed the guy in front of her wasn't even the silly one she have come to adore, this was a complete scary stranger.

"I didn't even notice"

"Uh hum.." She bowed down her head and pretended to be interested in his notebook.

"No you are right" he pulled back his chair. "Makes sense actually" he looked behind to the short haired girl who has been staring nonstop since who knows when. Katie felt a pang then. What was going on? "I didn't get any sleep last night, must have affected me without me realizing it"

Could that girl have anything to do with him not getting sleep last night?



He never liked that question.

Are you okay?

It always pissed him off. Most of the time he was asked that question was when he was clearly not okay or when he was perfectly fine so he despised it.

Maybe he should be more grateful people care enough to ask him but was it really because of that reason people threw that question? It felt more of to convince him that they didn't do anything while he was sulking. He never directly gave an answer to that question.

"No you are right", he pulled back his chair.

I am not okay

"Makes sense actually"

He looked back to the girl he pushed to the ground and finally felt the shame he should have felt. He really did deserve to be called a jerk.

"I didn't get any sleep last night. Must have affected me without me realizing it" he put a pencil in his mouth.

"Oh.." Katie said seeming convinced but not quite happy. She started flipping pages on his notebook.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for something worthy to read"

"You do know I just bought that thing this morning right? It is all blank pages"

Katie sat up straight immediately then. "I knew that" she said and looked at her Strawberry Shortcake watch on her wrist. Who even still had those?

"What are you trying to hide?" He leaned closer to her face trying to figure out. Something smelled fishy to him.

"Oh my gosh Josh get over it. I get it you were busy"



"What are you talking about?" He was now very confused. What was she blabbing about?

She rolled her eyes at him and glared at him as if in irritation.

"Oh oh. What did I do?"

"Nothing. Shouldn't you be copying the exercise he gave us?", she referred to the teacher.

"It is for tomorrow"

Two minutes passed without her not moving her eyes from the board in front of the class and him not moving his from her face. He still had no idea what he did wrong to deserve this treatment.

"Look who is moody now"

No reply.

"Okay I can do this too" he crossed his arms.

No reply.

"I mean I can also talk the rest of this class and annoy you but not like I want to bother my energy on you"

No reply.

"I don't want to but you know, you leave me no choice."

No reply.

"It is cool. It is cool"

No reply.

"Okay seriously what did I do?", he slapped his palm onto the table shaking every equipment laid upon it.

Katie giggled right that moment followed by the bell ringing. "Geez you are so easy to mess with" she laughed and left after pecking him on his cheeks.

Josh just sat there speechless till she left. He picked up his books and followed his way outside after a long minute assessing what just happened.


Finally! My thirst has been quenched! I am finally satisfied with what I wrote for Kash.. Oh wow not a bad ship name Maybe I will go with that.

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