Death isn't a problem

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Somewhere nearby something moved, causing a quiet 'ping' ring through the room. My eyes opened gently, making me temporarily blind from the sudden light. The cotton ball feeling that infested my head has finally have left, leaving my brain feeling clear. The room around me appears to be fairly new, with a light blue walls and a black bed, which I was currently taking residence on.
"Well good morning sleeping beauty." A voice said. I turned my head to see a boy, approximately my age, sweeping up a shattered glass of the hardwood floor.
He had light blue hair, which gave him a look as if it was frosted, dispite the warm weather. His light grey eyes were hidden by his bangs. On top of his head he wore a dark grey beanie.
Even though it was warm outside, her worn jeans, and light grey hoodie and a black jacket that was unbuttoned.
"Who are you?"I asked quietly, not meeting his eyes.
"The names Oliver, doll." He said, a smirk on his face. He sat down in a red leather chair by my bed, which I have missed while inspecting the room earlier.
"I'm, Chase? Yes. I'm Chase." Is it sad that I could barely my name? A little. Was I happy I could at least remember something. Yeah, pretty happy.
"So I'm assuming you want an explanation?" He pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah. Yes please." My voice caught on the word please, as if I was about to cry, yet I didn't know why it would do that, considering I wasn't going to.
"I hope your ready for a story." He said. Then my world got turned upside down.


"Some 2000 years ago there were 2 kingdoms, 1 was where the humans lived, they took up most of the space. The other kingdom was run by a cruel, mean king. This kingdom was made of a race, that got names The Shadows. The Shadows were small in numbers, but more powerful the 10 men combined. One day the king decided he was tired of sharing the land with the other kingdom and came up with a plan to kill them. Despite some of the other Shadows, he got his best scientists to create a disease, so he wouldn't have to be at risk if there were a war. The scientists created a disease that was named after there species, they called it Shadows Disease, usually called shadows or SD. This disease infected the blood stream with a substance blacker than shadows, than stopped your blood flow, killing you almost instantly."

I gasped "do you mean, the disease was made by The Shadows!" I looked up at him in disbelief. Sure, they were hostile at times, but killing over half our population was down right cruel!
"Yeah. It came as a surprise to me too." Oliver looked at the ground almost sadly. "Shall I continue?" He asked, to which I nodded at.

"Where was I? Oh right- So this king releases the disease into the masses of humans and it spread faster then wildfire. After nocking out 80% of the human population, the rest went into hiding, creating what you now know as Morina, the plague free place. As Morina was being built, the Shadow population started to rebel against there king. There was a group called αντάρτες, which in English translates to rebels. The αντάρτες, or as we call them the Rebels for now, since αντάρτες is a mouth full. The Rebels went and stole the copy of the disease and killed the main scientist, making there be no copies of the disease, so the remaining humans were saved. Eventually the king died, and time went on, leaving the tale to fade away."
He reached across me to my bedside table, grabbing a sip of water.
"Many years later a new organization came up, they go by the name K.D. Or king Daniel, who was the evil king. They have rediscovered the disease, and have released it upon humans. The new generation of Rebels came up, trying desperately to find a cure that didn't exist. Soon enough they realized this whole time that by destroying the disease they only brought themselves time, so they had to go against the K.D. And take them down once and for all."

"This is where you come in. You see, when you die by the shadow, there this resting period between the after life and death, it's longer than anything other death we know of. So a Rebel had the power to raise the dead, but he was still weak, and needed time to pull them out of death. Do you understand what I'm getting at?"

I looked up at him, trying to think. Pulling people out of death? He said I was on the so-no. Not possible.
"Am I.. dead?" I asked quietly,afraid of the answer.
"I'm sorry, but if it makes you feel any better, your not anymore. Technically." He looked at me with sympathy.
"So.. let's say I believe all this, who raised me?" I asked, trying to remain calm.
"Pleased to meet you doll, I'm Oliver Riggs, Rebel team member and riser of the dead."


I'm dead. Kinda. I was dead, then Oliver raised me. Apparently he's 18 and have been here since he was 15. He said he raised some others and some are just naturally Shadows. That's the thing. After I got used to the whole 'I raised you from the dead thing' he explained how just like him and other Shadows, anyone raised becomes a Shadow, each with a unique thing. Dead raising, photographic memory, super strong, stuff like that. I was supposed to meet the 'group' later but for know I should freshen up and rest a little. I had a picture of what I used to look like, she hair but instead of brown eyes, they were now purple. Kinda creepy. The picture was my favourite thing in my room, it was a picture of a young me and and older women with brown hair and the same brown eyes. Ate was trying to help me climb a tree but by the looks of it I wouldn't move. The picture showed her mid laugh and me pouring on the first branch,hugging the tree trunk.

It was strange really, I've heard a little bit about the group,about what they can do, and I really can't think of my ability.
Sighing, I turned toward the door. If I'm correct, he should be here about-

"Sorry I'm late!" Said Oliver, panting slightly. "Ryder thought it would be a good idea to have a temper tantrum and nearly light the rec room on fire." He smiled apologetically, as if it was his fault fire boy was so angry.
"It's fine." I said, smiling to attempt to reinsure him that I was cool with it.
"So when do I get to meet the 'gang'" o asked, making sure to make the word 'gang' stand out. For whatever it was hilarious to tease him about it.

"Well why are we standing here talking?! Let's go!!" He pulled you away down a hallway, unaware of the turning in your stomach or how the sun outside just got darker just got covered in clouds.


How was it? I tried to make it a little longer but I'm tired, so all try to write more tomorrow. Anyways, how is the plot? Also do you guys like Oliver? I really like this story so far, so stayed tuned for more! Tell me what you think!


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