"Hell" A.k.a school

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Well here goes an another day in hell!

*5th period*

Math uhh when does this end!? Looking at the clock there's only 12mins left damn I'm impressed with my self! I haven't fallen asleep yet! Oh well I guess ill sleep at lunch.

*12mins later*

'RINNNNGG RINNNGG' Thank you god! Its finally over! Stupid ass pop quizzes! Oh well off to lunch & my corner. As I drop off my bag at my locker a pocket knife is flung at me swiftly pulling my thick binder out the knife adds to the many marks on the poor binder I pull the knife out of the thick front & add it to the other 10 knifes that have been chucked at me after putting everything away I enter the cafeteria quickly & quietly walking to my corner 'far' away from everyone else. I wonder what rumors has Brittany spread about me today?

*after school*

Well today went surprisingly well only one knife today tho... Disappointing, well there's always tomorrow. Now let's get home. While jogging
On the almost overgrown back road a deer jumps out scaring me half to death! In the distance there's the distinct sound of a pack of wolfs, the deer bleeding from a wound on it neck is slowly bleeding out.

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