♥♥♥ Diana Zandars X Dark Jack Frost (3) ♥♥♥

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~*~*~ At The North Pole ~~~

Diana Flame is reading a book on a sofa near the fire place in a laying down position as her friends Sandy, Jack, Tooth and North are standing before it like soldiers on duty while waiting for Bunny to come back with the troublemaker he was after

Jack: how long can someone take to get here anyway. *asks getting annoyed*
Tooth: patience Jack.
North: bunny will be here soon.
at that moment bunnymund arrives.
Bunny: sorry for the wait, it took me some time to get that trouble maker. *says while glaring at the person he brought*
North: well first of all Welcome!
Jack: you might wanna remove the bag first.

Diana: *botes back a laugh* Seriously? A bag over the head? At the start you started throwing people through the portal inside the bags and now you are putting in on their heads. What are you? A secret agent or a serial killer?

Her outfit:

North: yes so? you should know its to protect or whereabouts

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North: yes so? you should know its to protect or whereabouts.
Bunny: and especially with HIM *motions to the trouble maker* you never know.
Jack: for once i agree with the bunny.
Tooth: *sighs and shakes her head* can someone just take the bag of his head first?
Sandy: *walks over to the trouble maker and removes the bag from his head*
The trouble maker or also known as Dark Jack: Finally geez, are you trying to kill me. *says as he glares at everyone*

Diana: *just shakes her head as she continues to read not taking her eyes off her book* What did he do this time anyway?

all the guardians except sandy sins he doesn't speak: To much to tell you.
North: let put it like this "He owns the naughty list"
Dark Jack: *grins and shrugs nonchalant* Oops.

Diana: Woah someone actually outranger THE Jack Frost? Big deal. If u want for your next bday I will sent you a three headed dog from the under world to even the odds

North: yes you can say that.
Dark jack: *turns to Diana and his eyes widen* well well long time no see my fairy *joking*

Diana: Hello to you too Ice boy *sits up a bit and closes her book* Care to join me? *pats the scape next to her*

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