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     Emmy was still in shock. She could see the guards holding their guns out as they eyed the mark on her right wrist, she gulped as Commander Taylor had helped pull her body up off from the ground, placing his left hand on her upper right arm to steady her. He gave her a stiff nod before turning back to the guards calling for one of them to escort Tanya, Michael, and Emmy back to the colony to get Emmy medical attention. She was shocked to see a teenager step out from behind the masses of guards. As he walked over he tightened his grip on his gun. Emmy looked back to the time portal and watched as a few more people walked out. Tanya tugged on Emmy to start walking. There was no going back now.

     Tanya hadn't let go of Emmy as she and Michael helped her over the trees and rocky terrain as they followed the guard. Some of the foliage was almost twice the size of Emmy herself, she found herself running her fingers along the rough barks of the trees, her eyes darting around to look at the different colours of the flowers—even some that seemed to grow out of the trees with collections of moss and what she could only assume were mushrooms. From the corner of her eye, she could see Tanya glance at Michael and smile before looking back at Emmy. After all that time being stuck inside a cell she finally felt free.

     As they continued to walk, Tanya had to pull Emmy away from some of the nature. Tanya having to tell her what was poisonous and what would cause her skin to come up in a rash. The sounds of the prehistoric jungle made the hairs on the back of Emmy's neck stand up. She still couldn't believe that she was finally here. She looked at Tanya—who was already looking at her—and gave her a small smile. Tanya's lips spread out to a grin, pulling Emmy's body closer, resting her head against Emmy's. The guard turned back from up ahead and waited for the others to catch up. He held out his hand for Emmy as they made it to a small hill—knowing that Emmy probably wasn't going to be able to pull herself up.

     The guard pulled Emmy up, placing his other hand on her lower back. He helped walk her towards one of the trees as they waited for Tanya and Michael to pull themselves up. Emmy knew that he wanted to ask her questions but considering as he was a guard—and there was no doubt that when she was better she'd be a prisoner held in Terra Nova—he refrained himself from asking. She leaned against the tree and rubbed her throat, all of the coughing had made her throat feel as though rocks had been shoved down it. Her head began to spin, the guard noticed and helped to keep her upright, gently pushing her into Michael's arms as he neared the two of them.

     "Are there spare beds in the hospital?" The guard asked Tanya worriedly.

     So far, Emmy was able to pick up that the guard was sensitive and understanding, even though he was a part of the security at Terra Nova. Michael held onto Emmy tightly despite knowing that he was probably hurting her, it was the only way he'd be able to keep her upright. Tanya smiled kindly at him which made Emmy wonder if she had taken the role of an older sister to the young guard—maybe possibly anyone around the same age or younger than Emmy. Tanya looked over to Emmy—who glanced back over at her quickly before looking down squinting as the sun was beginning to hurt her eyes.

     "I made sure that there was, Mark. They know she's coming." Tanya nodded.

     "Okay, good." The guard—Mark—nodded back with a small smile. "We should keep moving, if we don't we'll just end up being targets for the dinosaurs." Mark began to walk ahead of them, occasionally glancing back at Emmy.

     "Hey, Mark?" Emmy called out.

     Mark turned around to look at her. "Yeah?"

     "When I'm able to stand on my own two feet, you can ask me whatever questions that are rattling around that brain of yours." She grinned weakly. Mark smiled shyly at her, nodding his head before turning back to continue to walk.

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