Legolas' first bow

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(Hi, I am really sorry for not updating for a while so I'll give you all two chapters instead of one, I love you all for sticking around!)

Legolas was now ten, he would look like a very tall two or three year old in the eyes of a man. His Grandfather Oropher had given him a present.
Thranduil, Culthien and Oropher were out in the gardens watching Legolas with his new present.
'Ada, why did you give that to him?' Thranduil complained, 'You know he is too young for one!'
'All of the best fighters learn from a young age, but that doesn't matter,' Oropher sighed 'I knew he would enjoy it, and that' what matters.' He said quietly, 'I also caught him with one last week. He may just need a smaller one for himself.' He muttered under his breath.
'I guess your right, he does look like he is enjoying it very much.' Culthien sighed. The crazy little elf sprinted around so excited with his new bow and blunt arrows.
'Ada! Nana! Grandpa!' Legolas shouted, 'Look!' He clumsily pulled an arrow from his quiver, the Royals watched as Legolas fumbled to nock the arrow in place. He smiled when the arrow was nocked.
'Go Leggi!' His mother shouted. He smiled and then pulled back as hard as he could, because the bow had a heavy pullback. He wobbled and struggled for sometime and then he let go. The little arrow flew through the air way too far left and landed in Nana's roses!
'Legolas!' Thranduil screeched. Culthien and Oropher tried to hide their giggles while Thranduil went ballistic. The little prince screamed and searched quickly for the arrow while apologising.
'Ada, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!' He shrieked.
'Legolas, those are your Nana's roses!' He growled and grabbed Legolas and lifted him up.
'You little cheeky monster!' He joked and rubbed his nose with Legolas'. The little prince giggled and was relieved.
'Good job Legolas.' Oropher commented sweetly.
'Thank you grandpa.' He went over and hugged him.
'Just next time, I'll make you a target so you don't hit Nana's garden.' Legolas nodded and smiled excitedly.
'Sorry Nana.' Legolas whispered into his mothers' ear. She gave him a big hug and whispered back:
'Its ok, Iôn nîn, don't aim at the garden.' She let go and Legolas hurried back to his bow.
The little prince ran around for a while and then disappeared out of sight. Thranduil, Culthien and Oropher began to talk some serious business.
'Ada, what is going on in the east?' Thranduil asked.
'Its Sauron.' Oropher whispered.
'A servant of Morgoth.' Culthien whispered under her breath.
'The trickster, yes.' Oropher said.
'He has been rallying forces in Mordor, Ada.' Thranduil began, 'The orcs are back.'
A little blunt arrow suddenly made its ways through the sky and into Oropher's crown. The elf jumped up and threw the blunt arrow down onto the ground.
'Legolas!' Some panicked rustling came from the tops of a nearby tree. A little elf jumped down and fell onto his knees.
'I knew I should have told you what not to shoot!' Oropher growled while chasing Legolas. He grabbed him and lifted him up to his face. 'Never shoot anybody unless it's an Orc, or Goblin, or whatever, just don't shoot elves. Understand?' Legolas gave a worried nod. 'Ok little leaf, I think you've had enough archery for today.' Legolas gave a slow and sad nod. Oropher put him down and collected his tiny bow and quiver full of little arrows.
'Thank you grandpa Owopher.' He whispered.

(Thank you sooooo much for sticking around! This really means a lot to me! Make sure you hit that vote button to see if its still working, comment, share, follow, anything will make me happy and thankful for your wonderful love!)

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