Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Violet's pov

Dirt crunches beneath my feet as I run. I'm taking my normal trail up the side of Shaerun, which is a very small mountain. I think of it more like a large hill with deathly cliffs.

A drop of yesterdays rain water falls from a leaf overhead onto my face. I look up to see the vibrant green treetops towering over me. Nearby, I hear the slow, steady flow of a creek.

I push my legs twice as fast to increase my speed. My muscles start to burn as I flew up the trail. Finally, I reach the top. My chest heaves and I gasp for air. Taking a huge swig of water from my canteen, I begin to walk through the clearing.

I go as close to the edge as I'll allow myself. The cool breeze of spring time rolls past me. I look down and see soft green grass covering a sharp drop.

The thought of falling sends a chill down my spine. I back away suddenly less amazed by the view. An eerie feeling creeps over me. Whats wrong with me?

I'm usually calmed by the peaceful scenery, now I just have a strong urge to run home. Something in me tells me to stay though.

I walk to the other side of the clearing to clear my thoughts. I'm surprised to see I'm not the only one up here. A boy in dark jeans and a navy blue hoodie is standing close to the edge.

He's actually about 1 inch from the edge-Isn't he scared he'll fall? I watch as he takes a necklace off and wraps it tightly around a piece of paper. He takes the folded paper from and tosses it on the ground way behind him.

Confusion and panic wash over me. What is he doing? I ask myself, even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer. He's going to jump.

This boy is about to jump off Shaerun peak, where I come everyday. He's about to kill himself; I have to witness it.

I snap put of my daze and run full speed towards him. The roaring wind carries the sound of my footsteps away. The next minute of my life is the most terrifying moment that has ever taken place in my life.

"Stop!" I shout when I'm about a foot away from him. I reach out to grab his arm less then a second after I yell. He is obviously startled because he looses balance on one foot and sways forward.

I catch a glimpse of his face which is masked with terror. I lean all of my weight back, tying to pull him towards me. He pivots around grabbing on to both my biceps.

Him clenching onto me makes us lean towards the edge. I hastily step back causing us to tumble down with him on top of me. My back slams into the ground mere seconds before my head snaps back and painfully meets the grass.

His chest crashes down onto mine, crushing me into the ground. We both just lay there in shock, catching our breath. I cannot believe that just happened... things like that arent normal.

He huffed angrily and pushed himself off of me. I looked up at him with wide eyes. He looked confused and depresed. It was the most heartbreaking mix of emotions someone could wear.

That all changed when anger masked it all and he screamed "Are you fucking stupid?!" directed at me. I was taken aback.

"Me? You think im the stupid one here? You were about to jump and kill yourself!" I yelled back. Stars danced in my vision; I'm still dizzy from hitting my head.

"You dont even know me, so do not act like you do. You are in no place to interfere." He snapped.

"Its a shame to see someone disrespect themselves and waste the life god gave you. You're pretty selfish to think ending your life is the only way to fix whatever the hell you have going on.. It will stay a topic for maybe a month tops then you'll be forgotten. Its a pointless thing to do but whatever, do it. Throw your life away; become a murderer." I said with tears welding up in my eyes.

He got silent and looked at his feet. "Why do you even care?" he mummbled.

"Why shouldnt I? No one deserves to die for nothing." I say quietly. He stays silent and just looks at me. I gaze back slightly confused by this whole situation.

He has dark brown hair that has slight waves to it. He has smooth tanned skin and a lean body. He stands about a few inches above 6ft. which is especially tall compared to my 5'3.

His eyes were what intrigued me the most. They were the darkest, most vibrant shade of green I have ever seen. He was beautiful.

"Can I give you a ride home?" I ask him in hope. I dont trust leaving him alone, and I feel somewhat responsible for his safety now.

His eyebrows knit together as he considers it. He looks very unsure of the entire situation and glances at me with an odd look. Finally a sigh escapes his lips and nods his head.

This is a good start, I think to myself. I stand up, ignoring the shooting pain in my back and the pounding in my head.

I offer a hand to him to help him up, but he just scoffs at it and gets himself up. I begin to walk away, but stop to glance over my shoulder to make sure he follows. When I'm sure he isn't going to turn and make a run for it I continue walking the path. ---------------------------------------------------- New story idea, tell me what you guys think!

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