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Hoseok rushed inside of the hospital. He was out of breath when he arrived at the reception. "How may I help you?" The lady asks.

"Kim Taehyung. What room?" She started typing something on her computer. "Room 312. Third floor."

Hoseok quickly thanked her and ran towards the elevators. He pressed the bottom and waited. The metal doors swung open, and Hoseok walked in.

When he arrived at the third floor, he started looking for number 312 straight away. "309...310...311 and," Hoseok muttered as he was searching for the room.

"Here it is." He looked up at the door number. He twisted the doorknob, but someone else opened the door from the other side.

It was a doctor. "Mr Kim can't have any visitors until the time he's discharged from the hospital." Doctor announced. Hoseok looked confusingly at him.

"Why?" Hoseok asks.

"He is in awful condition to talk to relatives or friends."

"Why?" Hoseok repeated.

The doctor looked at Hoseok with sad eyes. He thought of what should he do. "Sit down, boy." Both of them sat down opposite each other.

"So, what happened?" Hoseok inquires. The doctor looked up and down.

"He has been hospitalised for harming himself, and I don't mean in slight damage caused by accident. I'm talking about non-stop bleeding for two hours caused by Taehyung himself."

"Psychologist has been visiting Taehyung for the past week. Yesterday, he told us the reasons of the self-harm." Doctor declared.

"He's been suicidal and depressed for almost two years, and it has infected his mental health and the way he sees the world around us."

"Has there been trouble in his new school?" Doctor asks Hoseok. He nodded. "There's this kid. His name is Jin. He has been bullying him since the second week of his arrival."

"All can I say is to you, as his friend," Doctor stood up, and Hoseok did the same. The doctor got his hand out for a handshake, and Hoseok accepted it.

"Make him smile. He needs it."

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