Chapter 10

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Derek's POV

I watched as Alexis sobbed into Ryan's shoulder as he held her. She looked so hurt and it made me feel like a piece of shit for causing the pain on her. Also I felt a little jealous. Since a few weeks ago I always got jealous when I saw them together and they were always together. Sometimes I wished I could be in Ryan's position. Trust me she drives me bat shit crazy, but I can't help but want to be with her.When I looked and saw her so broken my heart shattered. I really didn't think my words would affect her like this, I thought she'd get pissed like she usually does and say some smart ass comment back. I loved when she'd get pissed because her nose would crinkle up and it was so fucking cute. I'd never thought of her as the type that does drugs, let alone cry. One thing that I knew was that I needed to fix this and soon.

Alexis' POV

I laid in Ryan's bunk and played with his hand as he slept. I was so lucky to have a guy so great in my life. He has definitely become my rock over the time we've known each other. I'm truly happy he found me when he did. "What are you doing?" he asked in a husky voice. "Thinking." I said barely above a whisper. He opened both eyes and kissed my temple. I looked at him and smiled, he looked into my eyes and then to my lips. Slowly our lips came together, it was a very sweet kiss. UGH!!! It definitely was a good kiss, but I just didn't feel a spark. We both pulled away and Ryan had a goofy smile on his face that I've become very fond of. I smiled back and he brought me in for another one, but before our lips could meet again the curtain flew open. All the guys stood there whistling and howling while Derek looked really irked. Quickly I jumped out of the bed and walked into the living room area. Of course everyone was there for our little show. Ryan came over a wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he sat down next to me. His gesture made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Ronnie loudly cleared his throat causing all of us to look up at him. Sighing I explained my past to the guys. Everything from the drugs, to the boyfriend, to my old job as a stripper. During my confession Ryan removed his arm from me and scooted away as if he was disgusted with me and I couldn't blame him. "Why did all this happen?" Jacky questioned wanting to know the history behind my bad past. "Well my dad died in my senior year, he was my best friend and I was heartbroken, so I dropped out of high school and I became out of control. So I ran away to Las Vegas and that's where I met my abusive boyfriend. The only reason I left is because he left me bloody in an alley way where my best friend, Lacy found me dying. Then I bought a place with her and I cleaned up a little. My mom and I even became closer. I shook everything from my past, the only thing I couldn't get rid of was the drug. I moved out of Lacy's place after my addiction got really bad. I didn't want expose her to that." I said choking back tears. I tried, but they ended up falling freely from my eyes. When I looked up all the guys had tears in their eyes as well. Derek walked over and did the unthinkable, he pulled me into a hug. It felt so right, that's when I realized I wanted to be with him forever. I was officially in love with Derek Jones.

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