Chapter 11

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The guys told me they were going to help me quit and I was thankful, yet very reluctant. Heroin was like having a kid and then sending it off to college, I just didn't want to part with it.With their help I'm sure I would be able to stop, hopefully. After our talk everyone headed off to bed, except for me I needed some time to think. As I laid on the couch in darkness I heard someone get up and come into the living room. They picked up my legs and sat down while replacing them. When I lifted the pillow off my face I saw it was Derek. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. "Yah Derek." I asked with no emotion whatsoever. "I wanted to apologize for being a complete asshole to you." he said actually apologizing. "I deserved it." I said as I pulled my legs off of his lap and replaced the pillow on my face. "That's the thing you didn't, even when you barely knew me you were sticking up for me and I shouldn't have ever treated you the way I did." he said with a thick voice. I lifted the pillow off of my face and looked at him completely bewildered. "Derek I accept your apology and I really appreciate it, it takes a lot of balls to admit you did something wrong." I said as I put my hand on his. He smiled at me with the same smile I could only dream about. I hugged him for a really long time and it made me extremely tired. At some point that night he must have carried to my bunk, because when I woke up I was no longer snuggled into his warm chest. Damn I was falling hard for this man, UGH!!! Getting up I hopped in the shower and put on a white tee, a flannel shirt and a pair of skinny ripped up skinny jeans. I also put on a navy blue Neff beanie and put in my septum piercing. Once I got dressed the scent of lavender body wash drifted away and the smell of bacon replaced it. Walking into the tiny kitchen I saw bacon sizzling in a pan. "Mmm something smells good." I said as I sat down next to Mika."Fuck yah it does, Derek is making his band famous bacon, I'm surprised all the other bands aren't in here right now." said my favorite red headed Asian bass player. "It's the shit!!!" Ronnie yelled. I laughed at his enthusiasm for the pork product. It's never been one of my favorites out of food for the morning. Only because I only eat the red part not that nasty ass fatty shit. Derek set down a plate full of the heart attacks waiting to happen on the table. The guys grabbed 20 plus pieces while I grabbed only one and a nice, warm cup of coffee. The guys stared at me like I was crazy. "Is there a problem?" I asked while picking at my food. "Only one piece?" Ryan questioned with wide eyes. "Yep." was all I said before continuing to eat. See I'm just a ball of self hatrid. Over the years I've struggled with an eating disorder. It started when I was 14 and I was all self conscious. As I've gotten older I've gotten a lot healthier, but sometimes I just can't help it when I look in the mirror and see a baby whale. I'd be able to hold out till dinner. Since I was wearing a cropped shirt as I stood up Ryan saw my "Hatefuck" tattoo. "That is a sweet ass piece of art." he pointed out. "You like it?" I questioned a lot of people thought it was vulgar and hated it. "It's fucking sweet." Jacky said as he stuffed his eyes. "Thanks, I'm glad you guys like it my mom hates it." I smiled when I remembered the reaction I got from my mom when she saw it. "Well if I was her I would too, but since I'm me I think it's pretty damn sexy." Derek said with a wink. I blushed and looked at the floor so he wouldn't see how red my face turned. Luckily my long, dark, thick hair covered my face up well.

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