Chapter 18

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I let out a sigh of relief as I fell back onto the soft bed of the hotel. It totally beat sleeping on the thin bunks in the bus. The bed was weighed down as Derek laid next to me. Derek and I were sharing a room since he wouldn't let me share with anyone else. We saved some money by having everyone share a room with someone. I'd be meeting a couple new bands tonight since we were going to some fancy smanshy dinner with them tonight. A few of the bands were staying in the same hotel with us. I wouldn't be surprised if the place was bombarded by fan girls and your exceptional fan guys as well. "Welp what should we do?" Derek asked. "Well I would say go swimming, but you have a big ass cast on your leg." I said teasing him. "Hey I wouldn't mind seeing you in a bikini." he said turning his heard winking at me. "Here I'll use Steve Tyler's words, dream on." I said standing up. He laughed and sat up. "You know we could do the hanky panky." he said. I laughed really hard at the term he used. "Oh sorry bud, but that cast is going to get in the way so you'll be waiting another 3 weeks to get into these pants, maybe next time you'll listen when I say to be careful and not get hurt." I said emphasizing the end. He pouted and stood up hobbling over to me before roughly pinning up to the wall. His hands were on either sides if my head. My breath quickened as he came closer. Instead of kissing me he went to my ear and whispered "I always get what I want and I want you.". I gasped as he Slwoly nibbled on my neck and instantly finding my sweet spot. I moaned as his hand came up the bottom of my shirt and landed on my stomach. He led me over to the bed and began to undress us both. Before I knew it he was inside of me. The pain turned to pleasure and I moaned causing him to smirk. The rest of the time was a blur, a hot, sweaty blur. We laid there panting like a couple of dogs. He turned to me a grinned "You didn't put up much of a fight.". Rolling my eyes I straddled his waist and kissed him passionately. His hands gripped my back and pushed me so we were chest to chest. To our dismay there was a loud knock on the door "Come on you horn dogs the whole hotel heard that!!" Ronnie yelled from outside. Derek and I laughed and began to get up. I grabbed the sheet to cover my body and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. Derek laid on the bed and waited until it was his turn. He'd have to do a sponge bath and wash his hair because he couldn't get his cast wet. I groaned knowing I was going to have to help him. He made that bath hell for me. The douche laid completely limp the whole time just to piss me off. Thankfully after a long hour he was finally clean. Derek took his crutches and went to go and hang out with the guys while I got ready. He was ready to go in a dark purple button up, a black tie, leather jacket, a pair of black skinny jeans and some dress shoes. He looked sexy when he was all dressed up. For my outfit I settled on a dark blue dress that fit my top them flowed out towards the bottom. It went to my mid thigh and was long sleeved. I did my hair in loosed curls and did light makeup. Of course I had my signature violet lipstick that actually matched my dress. I put on a pair of nude heels to match the thin belt on the dress and my makeup. To my dismay all my tattoos were covered up, but I still felt beautiful. So I didn't look totally girly I put in my septum piercing and a pair of nude tunnels. Before leaving the room I grabbed a small clutch with my phone, money, keys and lipstick. I couldn't find the guys in any of their rooms so I concluded that they were in the lobby. When I looked around my eye was instantly drawn to a group of tattooed guys with skinny and I instantly knew Derek was among them. A certain lead singer for MIW turned around and smiled at me. I waved as walked over to me. "Never in my life have I seen you of all people in a fucking dress." Chris said with awe. I laughed "Well now I'm a girl Christopher Cerulli and I enjoy being one." I said curtsying. "I like it, you look gorgeous." he said smiling. I felt my cheeks turn red "Well thank you Chris you look pretty gorgeous yourself." I said knocking him in the arm. I saw Derek look at us and his eyebrows became furrowed. I know he saw my face that was the color of a beet. I smiled at him signaling for him to come over. He came over a kissed my cheek. "So you know Chris?" he asked me. "Yah we grew up together and were really close friends." I said smiling. "Yep I'm going to be her maid of honor." Chris said bringing up our wedding plans we had made. Derek laughed before grabbing my hand. I smirked at how protective he was being. I kissed him before squeezing his hand reassuringly. I couldn't imagine how he was going to act when we got around the rest of the bands.

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