Chapter 12- "Sometimes in love, there are obstacles"

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Bieber Love Story ( #BLS ) chapter 12 

"Sometimes in love, there are obstacles"

*Justin's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock

"You're like my favorite song on the radio, radio, ra-ra-radio I can listen to you all day. You're like a music video, video, vi-vi-video I can listen to you all d--"


I tried closing my eyes for a few minutes

But then I remembered I had a plan 

I'm going to do today with Mary.

I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

I took a shower and changed 

I went downstairs to be greeted by my lovely mom.

Mom: "morning honey."

Me: "morning mom."

I said as i grabbed an apple.

Mom: 'dont you want pancakes or something hun?'

Me: "Nah. 

No thanks mom. 

I better et going though. 

Ryan's waiting for me outside."

I said

And as if on que 

Ryan started beeping his horn.

Me: "got to go mom. Bye" i said kissing her cheeck.

Mom: "bye honey!"

I walked to ryan's car

And hopped in

Ryan: "Aye Man! Ready for the plan"

Me: "yeah bro. 

Found the perfect girl. 

I have to text her 

and alexis now so we can start"

He nodded.

Then I started typing away on my iPhone


To: Alex

From: Justy

Alex! I'll be waiting for you outside school. See you there babe 


To: Mary

From: Justin

Aye mary. Time to get the plan going. Were something that's gonna suit the plan. Meet me outside school but you gotta go there quick, I already texted alexis.


Then my phone started beeping.


To: Justy

From: Alex

Sure. See you there baby 


She's playing along aye?

Thats great.

Then my phone started beeping again


To: justin 

From: mary

Sure. See you in 5! lets make your girl jelly 

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