Chapter One

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This is an example of your armor, I'll be adding one each chapter for you to look at.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dreams of Estorra, or any of the worlds or characters created by Aphmau (the fabulous Sass Queen), I only own my storyline or any OC's I create. You own you.

A/N: This storyline will be very different from DoE, and although it will include similarities, you may find that you dislike it. Yell at me all you want in the comments, this is something that I have taken time that I could have used for other things to write. Hope you enjoy!


y/n=your name

h/c=hair color

h/l=hair length

e/c=eye color

f/c=favorite color

s/f/c=second favorite color


Third Person PoV

y/n automatically twisted her h/c hair into a braid. It was messy, but it would do the trick. She smiled as she received a text from her hilarious best friend, knowing that he was reminding her to stay safe while she was online. He had said that there were some weird rumors about Estorra, but there was no reason for them to affect her. She put on a comfortable f/c long sleeved shirt, and her favorite worn wool sweater, and  sat down on the soft mattress of her double bed. The girl made sure she had inserted her new virtual reality game, Dreams of Estorra, before lying down and slipping the REM drive over her h/c hair.

Little did she know that this would be the last time she saw the real world for a very long time.

--------------------------------- time --skip -- two --years -- later -------------------------------------

First Person PoV

As I slashed through the last row of Fiends, and collected what I needed to complete the quest given to me, I gave a soft, but mournful, sigh. I was tired of my 'life' now, trapped inside a virtual simulation, going day after day looking for some purpose. I had been in here for such a long time that the animation didn't even impress me anymore. I turned to exit the cave, and my footsteps echoing against the stones spattered with Fiend blood. I trudged down the path back into town, ready to claim my reward from Owen, the local inn's EVI. In town, people parted for my brisk walk toward my destination, knowing better than to cross my path. They knew what I could do, and didn't want to risk their one--and only life. As I turned the corner and entered the tall wooden structure, packed with players as always, I noticed that Owen was currently talking with a group, two girls and a guy. The first female had light green hair, and was wearing a piece of brown armor, and gloves. She also had a slightly darker green hood, and had two short swords, which she constantly moved her hands towards. The second appeared to be bouncing. She was a short, dark-blue haired Meif'wa, with a purple armored clothing, silver bracers, and gold trimmings. At her side was a curved lavender sword. The only male of the trio had chestnut hair, and red/blue armor. He had a...battle lute? The instrument seemed to have some sort of ax on the back of it. An odd group, those three are... I walked closer, but stayed off to the side, not wanting to get sucked into the conversation if possible. Unfortunately, the cloaked female was apparently a huge extravert with slight boundary issues. The dryad seemingly teleported over to me, and pushed her face closer to mine.

"You! Yes you, person standing awkwardly of to the side of us! Tell Owen that we can handle any quest he throws at us!" I inwardly sighed, and stated blandly to the EVI's face:

"They can handle any quest you throw at them." I turned back to the girl, "can I go now?" Owen let out a hearty chuckle, and the other two members of the trio looked slightly unsure of what was going on.

"I see you've met y/n, Rune. y/n, this is Rune," he gestured to the overly extraverted dryad, "Aphmau," his finger shifted to point at the cat girl, "and Simon." And finally, the battle-lute man. "y/n, say hello."

"Hello." I said dryly. I really wish I could leave, but I need to turn in this drop to receive my reward. The choices we make.

"Hi, y/n!" Aphmau exclaimed, a broad smile taking over her face. "Awesome to meet you." I gave a curt nod in response.

"Hello, friend! It is a pleasure to get the chance to meet you." Simon said, in a whisper, thinking that I wouldn't hear he added, "hopefully you'll actually listen to the information I have instead of running off to kill things like these two." I gave a short laugh, and he looked at me, surprised. I turned my attention back to Owen.

"I'm here to turn this in and claim my reward." Owen nodded, and I pulled out the Essence of Water that had dropped. I was lucky to have gotten it, they were a rare Fiend drop.

"Whoa!" Rune said, fangirling. She was interrupted by Simon.

"That's an Essence of Water, they're one of the hardest drops in the game--" yeah, game. "--to get. How'd you do it? Which weapon did you use? What kind of Fiend was it? What lev--" Simon was cut off by Aphmau.

"That's super awesome. And Simon, please stop drooling over the drop now."

"Alright, here's your reward." Owen said, a large sack of coins and a new sword in hand. The innkeeper put them on the counter, and I picked them up. Gold immediately going into my inventory, and the sword in my grip. It was quite beautiful, a silver blade with f/c writing etched into it, the grip was comfortable in my palm--as if the weapon had been made specifically for me. I looked closer at the writing, which was in the language commonly known as 'Staro' short for 'Starodavne', or 'ancient' in English. On each side was one word, "Daydream", and "Nightmare" on the other. I realized that this was the Dream Sword,   an old legend in the world of DoE. The sword itself is very powerful, but it only let's itself be used by the 'worthy'--the game's version of Mjolnir. It was the first key to escaping. I gave a smirk, and put the sword back in my inventory, deciding to watch the trio to see what this 'difficult' quest was all about.

A/N: Alright. That's a wrap. 1007 words! Hope you guys enjoyed, more chapters to come later. And maybe, just maybe, a new book about Mystreet.... bye my ....? What do I even call anyone who read this? If you did read it, please tell me what I should call you. Dragon out!

To Unravel (Simon x reader, Dreams of Estorra) Slow~UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now