Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: I don't own any character in this work besides any OCs I create. DOE belongs to Aphmau, and you belong to you. The plot is my own, and the quest has nothing to do with the storyline of DOE.

A/N hello peoples! Sorry I haven't updated this in ages...major project at school going on and haven't had time to sit down and write. Hope you enjoy this slightly late chapter of To Unravel.

Recap: I leaned forward and watched with interest, to see what this 'difficult' quest was all about...

Owen began to speak.

"You're goin' to be headin' to River-Fall, the old abandoned town." A look of recognition passed across Simon's face, his eyes flickering. I paled slightly, remembering my experience of the massacre that had occurred. Aphmau cut him off.

"What's River-Fall?" Owen shuddered a bit, as if recalling something unpleasant. So Simon decided to jump in.

"River-Fall was a town in the north part of Estorra, a large one at that. One night around one year after game launch, an attack was made on it by a large group of powerful Grim. Most of the people who lived there died when the attack happened. Those who survived were horribly injured, both physically and mentally. And not many came back into the game." And those who stayed were stuck. And as far as I know, I'm the only one who stayed. Owen nodded gravely.

"Now your quest is to go to the town, an' kill the Fiends that caused the mess in the first place." I looked at the trio, and inwardly scowled. There's no way they'll be able to finish this quest on their own... unless they have someone help them... All of a sudden I heard another voice in my head.

So why don't you help them?

Who are you and what are you doing in my head? I shot back.

I'm your sword. And I'm in your head because it's my job. I'm the Dream Sword, remember? I fight off nightmares, and it'll be a nightmare if these three don't succeed. I could almost see the sword rolling it's eyes. If swords had eyes.

So, you gonna help the newbies or let them die?

I can tell how much of an annoyance you're going to be if I don't. So fine, I'll help.

Splendid. Splendid.

Did you just say splendid?

Yes, I did.

Never do that again. Ever.


Oh shut up already! I tuned back into the conversation.

"We'll do it!" Rune and Aphmau exclaimed.

"We will?" Simon replied anxiously. Rune started jumping around, screaming,

"YES WE WILL! THIS IS GOING TO BE THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER! MAYBE I CAN EVEN GET INTO THE ROUGE'S CHARTER NOW!" The people at the inn looked up from whatever they were doing to stare at her. Rune realized what was happening and sank back down into her seat, blushing slightly.

"Let's head out tomorrow morning." Aphmau said. "Then we can be on our way at first light."

"PERFECT!" Rune exclaimed, apparently still excited to the extreme. Simon was warming up to the idea, and smiling.

"I can make that." He told the group. They started chattering relentlessly as they headed up to their room. Owen stopped serving for a moment and turned towards me.

"You know what will happen to them if they go alone." I sighed, Owen was so passive-aggressive sometimes.

"Yes, I do. What's your point?"

"Oh, nothin'." (A/N: Sorry if Owen is OOC)

"Cut the crap, Owen. What's your point?"

"You know what happens to people who go there on their own. They lose it. The place gets to them unless they have someone with them who's been there before the massacre."

"I don't want to go back, Owen. That place...brings back too many memories." Owen gave me a sad look. I arched a menacing eyebrow, snapping. "I don't want your pity, Owen. Just like I don't want to go back."

"Well then, you're letting those players die."

"Do I look like I care?" I shot back.

You know you do...

Oh keep quiet you--

Don't you dare.

Fine, fine... stupid sword.

I'm not--

"Y/N?" Owen questioned, raising his voice slightly. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Owen still looked concerned, so I glared at him. However, secretly I felt he was one of the best people (he's not just an EVI, players) on this game's server.

"So are you goin' to help em'?" I gave another sigh, he wasn't going to let this go, was he?

"Ok. Ok. Fine. I'll help them." Owen gave me a slight smile, and I couldn't help but give a bitter chuckle. "You are such a ---- sometimes." Owen joined my chuckle, adding his hearty laughter to it. "I'll meet up with them in the morning before they leave. But I'm not telling them anything about what happened to me there, or anything about me in general." Owen gave me a slight smile, and I headed to my house. I unlocked the heavy door, and sank down onto my couch.

You know you made a good choice.

Yeah yeah, I don't want to deal with you right now. I'm going to get to sleep early so I can wait for them outside of the inn...

Isn't that a little creepy?

Third Person PoV

But there was no response to the sword, as Y/N had fallen asleep on her couch.

A/N: And that's all for now! Hope you enjoyed this (very extremely late) chapter of To Unravel. Enjoy this photo, and bye:

 Enjoy this photo, and bye:

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Not mine. I don't have this skill level.

To Unravel (Simon x reader, Dreams of Estorra) Slow~UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now