Update and Thanks

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Hey guys! Thank you so, so much for ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE READS AND FOUR VOTES. It's really amazing to me that you actually enjoy the writing I'm putting out; and even though relative to others numbers this is a very small achievement, it's still huge in my eyes. I'm going to keep this short, but I wanted to apologize for not updating in forever. I had a two week long camp, and afterwards some really intense family business came up. However, as soon as it all clears up, I will be back in action (or as in action as I usually am).

Thanks, and bye guys! Dragon out.

Question: Would you guys like to see something in honor of just over one hundred reads? Such as a Q and A, or special one shot with a particular character? (Just an idea, doesn't have to happen.)

To Unravel (Simon x reader, Dreams of Estorra) Slow~UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now