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Febuary 12 2017

Lena's POV    I woke up, ate, then got dressed....I walked to Starbucks to get me and Lisa a drink then I bumped into a was my fault because I wasn't paying attention.. ??: Omg i'm so sorry! here let me help you...  Omg hes so cute his broken hair looks soo good!!  ??: uhm miss? Lena: oh sorry!  I took his hand as he lifted me up!  ??: my names Justin! Lena: mines Lena... I kept looking at his bright blue eyes..Wait no...we just met..and plus I like Lisa!..Right?...  ??: uhm I know we just met but I was wondering...can I get your number? Lena: uhm sure here!  We switched numbers and I continued walking..I can't believe how cute he is!!

Lisa's POV    I woke up and Lena wasn't there..I looked all over the house and found a note.. NOTE: hey Lissy! so I was just getting some Starbucks so don't worry I'll be back ily! 10 minutes later..  Lisa: where the heck is she?!  I heard the door open I thought it was Lena so I got off the couch then it was two men wearing all black... Men1: Hey pretty one!  Lisa: what the h- then I was knocked out Ii don't know how.. because they were right in front of me! I woke up tied to a chair and a cloth in my mouth....I was in a dark room, the door opened and I saw a guy.. ??: Hey...  Lisa: who da heck are you?! ??: My name is Caleb!  Lisa: ok..What do you want?! Caleb:  I wont hurt you Lena!  Lena?? huh? Lisa: Lena's my sister..I'm her twin Lisa!  Caleb: oh sure she is!

Justin's POV    I got home and I saw my brother Josh watching T.V.  Josh: hey bro!  Justin: dude I found an angle!  Josh: oh sure you did!  Justin: her names Lena!! Josh: OoOoOo someones in love!! I punched hi at the shoulder, Josh: OW!! Justin: crybaby!  Josh: ey!

HeartBreaker!! - LisaAndLenaWhere stories live. Discover now