Bling Bling its MR Time

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Hello! Long time no see. 

Apologies first for not replying to messages. A lot of work kept me occupied.

For those who are wondering why I'm here... I wanted to host a competition for celebration.

5k votes... and almost reaching 100k reads! I never imagined to be here in the first place so, thank you all the beautiful people who voted, supported, commented and wattpadded (oooooh).

Since I'm in mood for a lot of celebration, I want to host this competition.

If you're in, then here we go.

1. Write a one shot in no more than 2500 words.

2. The story should be about a character in TGG. You are open to write whatever, a love story, horror, humour even Romance (with a capital R). You can choose any character you like and narrate what you feel.

3. The deadline is 31st May 2017. Be sure to add the link to your stories in the comments so that i can read.

4. Add the tag #mentallyretardedTGG to your story.

3 Winners

You get a huge shoutout on my profile and I shall read and vote in one of your stories. And I shall publish your story as a chapter in my book for all to read!

I don't seriously go with places coz it sucks. 3 winners with equal positions. What say?

Are yoooooou innn? Start spamming!

THE GIANT GUY Where stories live. Discover now