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I groaned as I pushed my body to my knees. Every inch of me hurt, my thigh especially as it beat in the same rate as my heart that thundered away, pushing blood furiously through my body. I could hear the blood course through my veins in my ear and feel the adrenaline levels rise.

It made me painfully aware of the snow around me, and that had melted under my knees, soaking my jeans, that was ripped up on my right thigh, a big gaping wound slowly leaking blood.

I was in a cage, the black metal bars standing out against the white snow, some sort of red stones growing from the ground... wait, hang on, is that a... skull? There is a skull in the red stone thingy. The red gave it a bloody and violent look, and I had to use all my will not to touch. I am not touching it, because it looks sinister and evil.

Metallic tap sounds on stone made me turn my head, and a man with blood shot eyes, or what I hoped was blood shot eyes approached me. It didn't look natural at all. The way he looked.

I swear, some of the things I had seen was crazy, and I should be locked up like now... as long as I didn't end up like the head skull in the red stone thingy.

"Did the inquisition send you?" He growled, a blue patch of skin encircling his left eye and a cut which was still bleeding. Somehow the blue patch of skin just made him seem odd. But no, I had no idea what this 'inquisition' was or what they did.

I didn't reply. Not vocally. I spat at his boots and jumped away from the grasping hands reaching for me through the iron bars. "I will leave you here to rot" he barked at me, small droplets of spit landing on my hands that I dried off on my pants.

My eyes followed the man as he left, and I curled up in the corner, as far away from the red spooky stuff as possible.

It had this glow from it, small particles of red forming tentacles that tried to lure unsuspecting victims to it. Sadly for it, I wasn't that victim. Not after the encounter with a giant. Or troll. Or whatever it was.

And right after that, I had run for my life, only to find myself face to face with a humanoid thing with the same red stone things growing from its body, as the things I was a cellmate to. But, anyway.

I had screamed in terror, then turned on my heel and runaway, only to run into the idiot that just left me.

He had grabbed my wrists, then I had assaulted his left eye with my forehead and ran away, only to be struck by an arrow to my thigh and then thrown in here.

They hadn't gone easy on me to say the least.

They had pulled my hair, used me as a punching bag and then tossed me, yes, literally tossed me into this... this... This cube of a cage.

How much I would give to just get out here, just to get away from the red stuff. It was creepy. It looked blood stained talons growing from the ground, ready to grasp at any unknowing victim. To be honest as honest can be, it looked like it would eat me if I touched it. Like it was alive.

I hurled up in a corner and embraced my body as best I could, trying to keep warm from the gushes of wind tugging at my skin through my thin jumper.

"Samson!" A voice said from further down the road. "The red templars are under assault to the east, ser"

I internally hoped that whoever was assaulting this guy's group would happily save me. Because I didn't want to sit her and rot away.

I was still, frozen in one spot, like a rabbit being hunted. My ears were attentive to everything going on around me, and I could feel the muscles surrounding it twitch as the sounds of battle closed in.

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