Chapter 1-It

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Sorry, my story group does not show this particular story for me to upload it all into one......lets say, my account acts gay at times.

Chapter 1-It

The giggles that would ring as bells, pleasant to anyone who has a taste for music, suddenly were ripped apart from its source-the little child, as if suppressed, or was it so?

'It' was struck with realization, as it dawned upon on it that how foolishly had it let itself to be involved with the little child, that it had unheeded its senses which warned loyally since so long; crying to be attended to.

Anxious, nervous and still projecting valor, it took a step forwards, thinking to go back to its original self. But suddenly, it felt itself thrown against the bark of the tree, the tree offered it to straighten itself only to be neglected.

Five strangers stood, three being men, and the other two women, one who held the little child, Violin, and had her palm crushing the mouth of her. This was enough to anger it. No one dared touch Violin. The winds requested to be granted permission to inform the King, TiLeon, but 'i't shook its head, already having sworn to avenge for the past all by itself and make up for it.

The person who had thrown 'it' was now on the side, his ice blue eyes which were almost close to grey, had creases formed on its forehead, pressuring himself to find an answer to his query.

One of the men at the back who was black and silly muttered loud enough for 'its' ears, "dude, is that a lioness or a tigress?" The man at the side narrowed his eyes in astonishment, "or maybe..." but 'it' snubbed him and pounced on the woman holding Violin, and growled momentarily abrading the skin on her arm with its claws.

All the other four rushed over to 'it' and pushed it, punching, biffing and hitting it, "not again" that was all 'it' said, and ordered, "Violin, wings!" Violin came forward to put a halt to the assault on its dear one, but it coughed out blood and barked having mustered up Lord knows how much of courage in doing so, "You want it to happen again? Go!" Violin at once nodded showing obedience, sobbing so that tears fell only to be transformed into tiny beautiful pearls amiss shaped albeit. Wings double the size of her, unfolded at the back, they were huge, the colour of blue as in the deep ocean, with exquisite shaped feathers sticking out and proportionately aligned in places, with that she flew hiccupping.

The five of them seemed to be left baffled at such a winsome view.

Now that Violin was gone, 'it' decided to take back its form, for it would be easier to fight than when with four legs.

Soon glittering powerful rays of sunlight, even without the sun brightened and hampered everyone's view, after about few seconds, what stayed was gold fog which began to abate. And now stood there a woman.

Earth yellow brown coloured hair flowing and reaching upto her waist with soft subtle curls towards the end. A short lock of hair, similarly curled in the end kept whipping her face, the face that was divine and deserved to be worshipped to. Her appearance was comely.

The wind suddenly stopped its violent act and the trees stood still, not allowing a leave to move a centimeter from its place. The sun seemed to have come out from its covert, the dirt on the ground halted its nuisance and the bees descended to the ground next to the pebbles who just like before stayed stone innocently. It looked like everyone and everything bowed to her in silence.

But the eyes, they were the same, which stayed moderately between the colour that was something like the wintry blue moon and the dirty grey and they stared with wrath, resentment, pure hatred and hostility or maybe more. They were messing the beauty of hers, but they simply didn't care, or like what they saw.

Why? For she was the undecided four legged animal.


Do comment if you like/dislike it and vote it if you like it.

Doubts and confusion, if any (I hope not, because I expect you to have been answered with the last few lines of the story already), would be cleared in the chaptesr to come. :)

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