Chapter 1

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A/N I know there isnt much Oliver Wood stories so i decided to make one! Please enjoy!

                                                                        Elisia Baudelie XD

"Mum You called for me?" I asked finding mum in the study sorting through junk.

"Yes, sweetheart this is very difficult for me to tell you this but.. we are moving to London."She said nervously.

I couldn't process what she was saying. How could we be moving??? My mouth hanged open with shock.

"Your father and I found jobs at the Ministry of Magic and we have to move. You will be going to a new school. Do you understand?" She asked. I nodded slowly, but didn't want to understand. How could I leave, Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts. I never truly fancied the Dramatic Arts but it was the closest school.

"Now, I already bought your requirements at Diagon Alley. They will arrive in a week or two. Now run along!" My shooed me out of her study. I sighed I never had real friends there so it didn't matter.

I scooted away to my bedroom, and shut the door and locked it. I sat on my bed thinking about what just happened. I was already in my third year at W.A.D.A and was really good at Quidditch. I was the schools chaser.  Wait...I still didn't know the name of the school.

"Mum  whats the name of the new school?" I yelled across the hall.

"Hogwarts!" I almost died inside at that silly name.

I took out my phone and dialed Brittany's number. I was ringing until it went to voice mail. "Hi This Is Brittany! Please leave a message after the beep!" I hanged up the phone before the actual beep. I haven't seen Brittany since I got my letter to W.A.D.A.. She still doesn't accept me for who I am.. a witch.

I skipped Dinner that evening and went on my laptop and looked up Hogwarts. I found out that its one of the most educated schools and there were 4 houses: Gryffindor. Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Based on what I read I wanted to get into Gryffindor because of their bravery and loyalty, just like me.

I stayed up all night and read more and more facts about Hogwarts. It got me stimulated knowing how awesome of a school it is. And they have quidditch teams for each houses. After 2 hours of non-stop reading my eyelids closed and reopened quickly. I was falling a sleep.

I scooted over to my small bed and snuggled under the covers thinking about this school. If I had gotten into Slytherin with all the evil ones I might just die! I couldn't wait for the books so I could learn more. I tossed and turned with alot on my mind. I simply closed my eyes and passed out into a deep slumber.

 A/N Its short I know but Its good enough since its 5 am in the morning and I've been staying up since 11 am yesterday. XD Allnighters are fun!

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