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Daisy walked in with her boyfriend, who just happens to be the captain of the club. She notices me and gives me a smile before turning her attention back to Jordan. "Some times I wished I never introduced them two." I whispered, I've known Daisy since we were in primary school, we've been best friends since we were seven and in that time I've developed feelings for her.

I watched her smile and laugh around with Jordan they would have been together for three years now, and I've heard rumours going around the club that Jordan is thinking of proposing to her. "Looking at Daisy again?" Izak asked, as he stood besides me, waiting to go out to warm up.

"Yeah, she's so happy with him, I'm so envious of their relationship." I mentioned, everyone knew I loved Daisy, it was written all over me, I just felt complete with her around.

"You've got to have the worse love triangle I've seen." Izak chuckles as he makes his way out onto the field.

I see Daisy and Jordan part ways; I was so jealous of Jordan. I've always seen her with her partners, all throughout high school she was dating this guy, I watched them go through a rocky relationship, but the thing that hits me most is the fact that she was dating a good friend of mine, and I was angry at myself for not asking her before Jordan, and now I fear it may be too late for Daisy and I. "Well mr Baggins, are we set for our adventure?" Daisy speaks bringing me back into reality. "Look liked you are deep in thought sorry." Daisy apologises, I just smiled back at her.

"Just getting focused." I smile. "Are you staying for the game?" I asked.

"Yeah of course, you'll need me to cheer you on." Daisy smiles as she ruffled my hair a bit, messing it up. "That's much better, groomed hair doesn't suit Darcy, I thought I've mentioned this?" Daisy smiles, showing her white pearls.

I always thought she had a beautiful smile, I thought about her smile differently from year nine onwards, before I thought she had a hideous smile, but year nine is when I started having feelings so I guess that's when I thought she was the most beautiful woman I've known. "Yeah, but I know it annoys you so I continue to do it." I lied, I only did it because she messes it up, and for a split second she has her hands through my hair.

"Alright well I'm going to find my friends who aren't you, I'll see you after the game?" I nodded giving her a hug and kissing her cheek, I saw her smile, all I wanted was to be the one she smiled for.

"See you later then Dase!" Kissing her cheek and watching her walk away back to Jordan giving him a kiss before waving back to me and walking out.

I made my way out of the crows rooms, with a smile on my face. I started walking up to my seat, I was sitting with my friends from work, working at the flinders University for Indigenous student as an ISSO, which stood for Indigenous Student Support Officer, while I'm finishing up my undergraduate in forensic psychology also at the university.

"Dase over here!" I was shaken from my thoughts when I hear my friend call, I smiled seeing Rebecca and Imogen sitting behind the goals.

I give them a wave with my crows scarf, Rebecca was a Melbourne supporter while Imogen was a collingwood supporter, we just were all such footy meatheads that we all wanted to be here at the game. I made my way up to where the girls were. "Hi girls." I give Imogen a hug then giving Rebecca one. "Such a lovely area you picked." I mention as I noticed we were sitting in the Magpie cheer squad.

"Well Jordan did offer to put you in the nosebleed sections but you choose to sit with us." I considered defeat, she was right Jordan always gives me a ticket for the home games, but I hate taking them from him.

"Alright many people already think I'm only with Jordan because he's the captain and plays footy, I don't anymore thanks." I complained, as I held up my own ticket that I brought.

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