Frank is cuddly

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Frank's P.O.V.

I stumbled sleepily into the main room of the trailer. All of the seats were taken. I walked over to Gerard and sat in his lap, cuddling into his chest. He was so warm.

"What are you doing, Frank?" He asked.

"Sitting down." I answered.

Mikey looked over at us

"Awhe, you guys are cute."

Gerard just flipped him off. I smiled a little and cuddled more into him.

"I need coffee." Gerard sighed. I mumbled an agreement.

"There's a Starbucks not too far from here." Ray said, gesturing to the window.

"We could walk over." Suggested Gerard.

"Yeah," I pouted, "but then I'd have to get up."

Gerard raised his eyebrow.

"You're comfy!" I defended. He just shook his head and smiled.

"Let's go."

We left the trailer together and walked down the street to where Ray had pointed. As we walked, our shoulders brushed together. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I purposefully bumped my arm against his. He bumped back, and I felt my neck and face heating up. I tried to enact plan Tell Gerard I Like Him And Want To Kiss His Face.

"Um, Gerard?"


"I... nothing."

I'm such a wuss.


There. I updated. Are you happy, Maddie???

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