Chapter 2

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Phillip strode around his study. Se stopped and stood by his window. He gazed out upon the fields and hills near his manor as he straightened his cravat. Everything looked damp and dreary, like a half-drowned cat. Phillip loathed rain.

There was a knock on his study door.

"Enter," Phillip said.

"Your Grace?" came the familiar voice of his messenger.

"Yes?" Phillips turned to look at the scrawny man in his doorway.

"We have received word from Miss Turner's father. Miss Turner has accepted your offer in marriage and agrees to be married to you in four days," Phillips's messenger reported.

"Four days?" Phillip said, baffled at the eagerness of this woman. "Four days is certainly not enough time for an elaborate wedding. We will have no wedding guests."

"Miss Turner's father requests is," The messenger said.

"Very well," Phillip replied. "The wedding will commence in four days. Send Miss Turner's father the word and the preparation promptly."

Phillip's messenger bowed and exited the room.

Phillip had written a marriage request to a family friend of his friend John.

Phillip needed an honourable heir. His nephew was the heir and a pompous peacock he was too. His head was full of nothing but feathers and he was the last person Phillip was going to give his title to.

Phillip had been so vehemently disgusted by the idea of his nephew becoming the Duke, John had suggested Phillip find a wife to produce a suitable heir. It had not been inviting. He didn't believe love existed but he did believe that a lady should be able to choose her own husband

Phillip did realize that him writing a marriage offer to Miss Turner instead of presenting the idea to her in person, made Phillip seem stand-offish and cold. Phillip didn't want to become too picky with what he saw in a wife.

Her hoped Ebony Turner was plain. It wasn't that he despised beauty, he was just too scared to be attracted to it.


Phillip stood by the priest as his bride walked down the aisle.

He was momentarily out of breath when he saw Miss Turner.

Miss Turner had beautiful blue eyes and black hair that matched her name. Her hair glistened and her skin was pale against her dress but she had a slight redness in her cheeks. Her eyes were beautiful but shown resentment and hatred. Her lips were supple and...Phillip was staring at her. Why did she have to be so beautiful!

Blast it! Phillip thought. This was exactly what he didn't want.

Thank you guys so much for reading! This is my first Regency romance and I need your guys' help! 😖

Anything I could do better? I really want to hear your suggestions! 😋

What do you think should happen next? 😕

Anything that isn't historically correct? Thank you again and I love you guys! ❤❤❤

I will update soon! Bye for now!

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