Chapter 4

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Phillip rubbed his hands together. He felt uncomfortable with this situation. He wished that a chaperone was required for riding home in a carriage after a couple had been married. At least then there would be some conversation.

"Err, Miss-- former Miss Turner," he started. "What would you like me to refer to you as -- er-- from now on?"

She looked at him a moment as if calculating if he was worth giving permission to use her Christian name.

"Ebony," she replied.

Phillip was momentarily enamoured, once more, by the perfection of the name she was given.

"What shall I call you, Your Grace?"

"Well, I suppose you can't call me 'Your Grace' anymore," he sighed. "Phillip will do." He smiled slightly at her.

She looked at him with a quizzical look for a moment and then smiled reluctantly. Phillip was satisfied. Her smile was beautiful and he felt a sudden strange feeling of fulfilment from causing it. He turned his gaze to the carriage window.

"We are very close to my castle," Phillip said. Ebony nodded in response. There was silence for a moment.

"I'm sorry that we were married on such short notice. Your father insisted it in his letter," Phillip said in an apologetic voice.

"Oh. Yes," she said. She looked out the window. A pixie flew by the window. She jerked her head away and turned her gaze to her gloved hands resting in her lap. Hoping Phillip hadn't noticed her sudden movements, she glanced at him through the side of her eye.

Phillip felt the gaze of Ebony on his back. He turned his head towards her to find her looking at her gloved hands. Had she even been looking at him? He shook his head and returned his eyes toward the bleak landscape.

Suddenly, the carriage came to a stop.

"Looks like we've arrived," Phillip said. Phillip slid out of the carriage. Ebony stood and made her way to the door. Phillip offered his hand. Ebony hesitantly took it once more and stepped out of the carriage onto the ground below. Phillip quickly released her hand. They made their way up the steps of the castle.

The Butler opened the door and took Phillip's coat. When they were inside the confines of the brick walls, there was a warm voice to great them.

"'Ello, yer Grace. 'Oos this? A distant cousin maybe?" said the woman. She was short and plump with a face that was red and splotchy. She had a large smile that almost reached her ears. "I wasn't aware of her comin', I'm afraid so I didn't have a room prepared..."

"No, Mrs Hatching. She is my wife," Phillip said, interrupting.

Mrs Hatching was surprised and paled a bit. "Is she now?"

"Yes," Phillip replied. Ebony's eyes were glued to the rug under her feet.

"Yer, Grace, may I speak with you in private," Mrs Hatching said. Phillip glanced at Ebony and then back at Mrs Hatching in slight annoyance.

"Yes," He responded. He gestured down the hall. "Would you like to step into the drawing room?"

Mrs Hatching scurried down the hallway. Phillip gave a tight smile towards Ebony and nodded. He then followed Mrs Hatching into the room.

Ebony racked her brain for reasons why this servant would need to speak with the Duke alone. Was it because of her?

When Mrs Hatching and Phillip were alone in the drawing-room he said in a frustrated tone,

"Yes, yes, what is it?"

"Well. I know it's not me place, Yer Grace, but I'm concerned about the situation preceding your marriage to this young girl. Did you...?"

"Oh! Heavens no. I would never do something that would put a lady in a compromising position. Mrs Hatching! Have I ever given you the impression that I would be that kind of man?"

Mrs Hatching sported a startled and shocked look on her face. "Of course not, Yer Grace! I..."

"And you're right, Mrs Hatching, it's not your place," Phillip said, curtly. Phillip smiled. "After you, Mrs Hatching." he gestured toward the door. Mrs Hatching, with a hung head, walked out of the room.

Ebony heard footsteps approach and she peered through her eyelashes at Phillip approaching. Mrs Hatching walked down a different hallway. Ebony watched her go feeling confusion and guilt.

Phillip stood beside her. "I believe that dinner is being prepared."

Ebony nodded.

"Er--Would you--er--like to have a tour of the place?" Phillip asked.

Ebony looked up at him. "I would like that very much, thank you."

Phillip nodded and offered his arm to her. Ebony reluctantly took the arm with her hand and Phillip escorted her around the east wing. His tour was brief for most rooms except his and her conjoined quarters.

"Feel free to approach me with any concerns or...needs," he said. He cleared his throat and continued to walk. Ebony blushed and turned her eyes to the floor.

The tour of the wing continued until Ebony's feet started to ache.

"I believe that we have toured the castle sufficiently enough for today," Phillip said. "Dinner should be finished."

Ebony nodded.

"Would you like to change?" Phillip asked. 

"Change?" Ebony replied. She blushed. "I don't have very many other dresses."

"What? Why ever not? Your father had sufficient funds."

Ebony blushed deeper and looked away from Phillip. "It was a pointless frivolity."

Phillip examined her for a moment. He ached to see her embarresment. He vowed to spoil her with more dresses than she could ever wish. Phillip escorted her to the dining room.

Phillip sat down and Ebony followed suit. She observed every move that her husband made, making sure she didn't make a mistake. He looked at her expectantly. She blushed. What was wrong?

"Are you going to eat?" He asked. Ebony gave a quick nod. Phillip continued to watch her.

"Oh!" she starts on her meal. She blushed even more profusely. Phillip nodded and started on his meal. He glanced up at her every so often. This was a very curious woman. She doesn't seem to have been trained very much in manners or speaking. Who is this woman? 

This chapter was very long in the making. I love those who have stuck around! I really am sorry for the delays. I will try to publish more now that I have more free time. 

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