Chapter 15

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Kiera watched as the men streaming out of the car slowed to a trickle, and eventually stopped altogether. A few took up post near her complex, lining the street. Kiera quickly totalled it in her head. 16 out of sight, presumed in the building, 4 lining the streets, and the driver still in the van. 21 tallied, but adding four for any miscounts. At best, there were 25 fully trained and armed swat team members currently carrying out a raid. 

On her apartment. 

The air held a tense silence, and Kiera could almost feel the coiled anticipation of those waiting men. Any moment, they would bring the door down, storming her room in seconds. The time to act was now. 

Without a second thought, Kiera propelled herself through the window, pushing herself with her feet and aiming with her shoulder. There was a terrifying moment of free fall, the smash of glass as it tumbled down with her. She seemed to be in the air forever, her stomach in her mouth as she continued her descent. The sky flashed before her, the light pollution turning it a blazing copper, and then suddenly, she hit the ground. Her shoulder ripped with a piercing pain, but within seconds that subsided as the wound healed in record time. With a grunt, she pulled herself to her feet, and started running. Kiera through a look over her shoulder, noting that the lights in her windows were now on, the clear silhouettes of the men dancing through curtains. She heard a shout behind her, some of the ground members startled by her sudden entrance. Kiera did not hesitate, however, sprinting across the lawn. Somewhat ironically, she thought, considering running across this very spot was what got her to here. Her apartment was probably trashed now, too. The irony. But more worrisome, she heard a spurt of gunfire over her head, a short blast that flashed the night around her. But within seconds, she veered sharply to the left, Leaping over the garden wall at an olympian grade height. She moved in a zigzag, running in near darkness as she pulled herself over several fences, crossed many streets and kept running. Kiera ran and ran and ran, seemingly in a random pattern, shaking off her pursuers. Sure enough, the shouts and the heavy sound of the van faded away. For now, she was safe.

Pulling her run into a walk now, she looked around more cautiously, adopting a more muted approach to her next move. Standing at the end of the road, she could see Shelia's bungalow in her sights about midway down. But Kiera wasn't looking for that right now. Directing her attention to the other side of the street, to the seemingly inconspicuous car parked there. Even from this distance, she could make out the two men in the front seat weren't paying attention. Both of them, being awake and bored at this time of night, sitting in their car; these were the people placed to protect Shelia. That only strengthened it; Shelia had ratted her. Somehow she knew, somehow she had something to prove it, and she had gone to the police. Of course, by now, Kiera was a national matter. They had brought in the big guns. But judging by Shelia's 'protection', they hadn't thought she'd escape.

Kiera pulled her hood up, shoving her hands deep in her pockets, and slowly walked along the sidewalk. She kept her head down, but her eyes facing up, watching the men as she came closer. The man on the side facing the road was smoking, a lit fag held between his two fingers, casually hanging out the car. Kiera approached the car, not slowing down, but coming to a direct stop by the passenger side. The man looked up, but Kiera's face was obscured by her hood. Glaring at her, annoyed, he rolled down his window, the steady whirr feeding into the night.

"Can I help you?" The man looked annoyed, and his voice reflected exactly that. His tone was arrogant as he looked down on her, no doubt feeling important to be a part of the team to catch her. Kiera bent down to his head height, leaning close until their faces were no more than a foot away. His buddy just looked at her with disinterest, taking a drag. With a smile, Kiera swiped her hand to her head and pushed away her hood. It came off cleanly, flopping down to her neck and revealing her features. She looked at the man again, keeping the smile on her face. His face morphed into shock, and he recoiled. The other man dropped his fag and pulled his hand quickly into the car.

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