Chapter 1

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     Another year, just one more year.  Yeah, right. Who am I kidding? I'll be saying this to myself again and again in the future, but for now I'm a senior at Fork's High, and the year will be up before I know it and who knows what I'll do next.

My life is like a broken record.  It plays out smoothly with few imperfections here and there until the moment you dread hearing the music stop as it skips and it starts all over again like it should; sounding perfect; each note played like it should and on point until you hear the next skip interrupting the flow of music. High school, then maybe college, and then a few years of no school and at that time I get to explore the world, going to places I've already been or haven't been.  It's the in between not going to school where the metaphorical record breaks.  Going back to high school  back is where the record starts over again.  It's my life.  It's my link to humanity as well as not feeding off of humans.

     High school is the hardest for me and not for reasons anyone can come up with.   It's not their blood or their constant arousal when they're around me or my family.   It's what I know and have always dreamt of.  The young humans, who are almost adults, embarking on an important milestone of choices.  Choices of following their dreams.  All they have to do is go forth and make them happen.   Higher education, dream job, getting married, having a family and watching those they love and growing old with those around them.  Of course, in this day and age, there is no set order on when to achieve any of it.  That will never happen for me, I'll be forever stuck at the same age I was unwillingly turned at eighteen.  Barren and solid to remain as I am now and forever.

     I'm no longer a broken record.  I won't voice any of these thought out loud anymore like I have in the past. I don't have to, not when I see the looks my family give me when we start going back to school in a new town or back to the same town years later.    Their looks say, Rosalie might do something, like flipping out.  I smile knowing I'll get the same look once we leave.  I kind of like being the unpredictable one.  Even thought Jasper holds that title, although they won't say it out loud because we've all been there, but he still struggles to be around that many humans. 

     "Rosalie we're leaving."  I hear my brother Emmett yells from downstairs.  I roll my eyes at his obnoxious yell.  He could've just spoke it instead of yelling.  I shake my head and look at the clock and see it's no where near the time we usually leave.

     "Have you looked at the time? I still have plenty of time before we need to leave yet." I reply to him from where I'm sitting on my bed.  He doesn't respond, instead there is a single knock on my door before he enters my room without me invited him in.

     "Really Emmett. What if I was getting dressed?" I scold him and set my newest car magazine down on my bed.   A bed I'll never get to sleep in ever.

     "Don't flatter yourself Rosalie.   You live in a house full of vampires.   We all heard your shower turn on and then when you rummaged through your closet hours ago.   So, I knew you'd be dressed and ready."  He says in a matter of fact attitude and crosses his arms over his chest making his arm muscles bulge out of the polo shirt he's wearing and he has a smug look on his face.  No kidding we are vampires but its just weird he paid so much attention to what I did this morning. 

     "Whatever!  What's the sudden rush to be there this early?"  I say standing up and not commenting on his smugness or giving him a good slap across the back of his head.  He lets his arms fall back to his sides and he has a smile that we all know is his childish smile.

     "Well if you must know.  We want to get there early to watch the humans." He excitedly says and I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Chef Swan's daughter will be starting at our school and we wanna see everyone's reaction and see if she gets the same looks we did last year." Again he sounds and looks excited, but this time I scoff at his response.

     "That's stupid, why would a human receive the same looks we did." I say like it's obvious she wouldn't get the same looks.   I mean, come on, where vampire for crying out loud. 

     "Oh come on Rose, just hurry up we'll all be outside." He quickly runs outside laughing.  I shake my head and grab my bag from the chair in my room and walk downstairs taking my time.

     Esme at the door waiting for me smiling and I can't help but smile back at my mom of all intensive purposes.  "Have a good day Rosalie and try not to kill your brother." She jokingly says as she pulls me into a hug which I return. "I'll try my hardest." I joke back making her giggle. Outside I hear my siblings telling me to hurry and with one last smile at Esme I walk outside.

     "It's about time." Emmett says from the driver's seat of his Jeep before I even have my door shut.   I stare daggers at the back of his head for a few seconds before a gentle hand touches my shoulder.  "Don't listen to him Rose, he's just trying to get a rise out of you."  I turn towards Alice my petite sister and smirk.  "He can try, but if he knows what's good for him, he'll stop or little Emmet will have a hard time rising when I'm through with him." I casually say and the jeep is so quiet we can hear Emmet swallow loudly from the driver seat.  Alice looks from the front of the jeep back to me and she smiling.   I smirk again having silenced the jeep.

     "She's not lying."  Jasper says speaking up and I smile feeling satisfied and a little evil.

     "How come Eddie didn't wanna ride with us?"  I ask Alice who's closest to Edward, to change the subject. 

     "He took his car in case he needed to get away fast and didn't want to leave us stranded." Alice explained and I hide my smile by looking out the window beside me.  I sure don't envy Edwards power even though it does come in handy.  

     I watch the scenery go by quickly and we're at Fork's High School the earliest we've ever been.  We're so early, there isn't a single car parked in the student parking lot.  I sigh my frustration and hold back from saying anything.  Jasper looks back at me and I feel myself calm.  I smile my thanks and he tips his imaginary hat, something I'm sure he did a lot before he was turned being the Southern gentleman that he is.

     We sit and wait for the students to start arriving or a more specifically one person who has my siblings so curious about.  "This is ridiculous, just waiting around for a single human.  I should've just taken my own car." I say while looking at my nails. This causes Alice to giggle. "That would only draw us more unwanted attention." She reminds me and I know she's right, but I shrug because it would've been worth it, instead of waiting on a single human girl. 

"Like being the first ones here and just sitting in our cars isn't." I say making a point.   Alice doesn't reply, she appears to be thinking.

"She does have a point.  We're bound to gain some attention since this isn't normal, us being here before everyone else." Jasper says coming to my rescue.

"You all need to relax." Emmet finally says sounding annoyed and turns up the music that was on a low volume, now the speakers thumping with one of his rap songs he likes listening to.  I find myself smirking and feeling satisfied that I'm getting to Emmett.  He deserves it for walking into my room earlier without my permission.  I can't help but think,  If we didn't draw attention before, we definitely will now.

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