needs to hear

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A/N: I would like to thank you guys again! I can't believe you guys are taking the time to read my stories :) I hope you are liking them <3

Teresa's POV

It had been six painfully boring days, horizontal on the most uncomfortable excuse for a bed. She had gotten to know her nurse well, though, he was really the only person she talked to, other than Minho; Minho came to see how she was once. Not even her friends showed up to see her. 

"So, you are getting up today. It will be difficult." He says, pushing the duvet away, revealing her bruised body. Scars were hard to see as they were covered in a layer of pale skin. Teresa cringes with her body on display but he doesn't seem to matter. 

"What happened to the boy who did this to you?" He says, examining a particularly big bruise, making the left side of her ribs look a dirty yellow. 

"I don't know." Teresa pushes out, she had completely forgotten about Raphael. Did he recover from what Thomas did to him? Her face flushes with guilt at the thought of him being badly injured after it was her idea to fight in the first place. 

The nurse presses a button from a small grey remote clutched in his hands. The top of the bed lifts up. Sitting Teresa up. Once she is up, she is carefully dressed in a white top and trousers. The nurse helps her by swinging her legs around. 

Her feet shiver as they touch the cold tiles, she felt like she had been released from a confined box, the heat of the blankets making the cool air a precious essential.

"We are going to help you stand up now OK?" He says, almost on cue, Chris strolls in casually, Teresa instantly remembers what he said when she woke up from the accident and looks away.

"Hey." He says nervously, he remembers as well. 

"Can I get help from someone else?" She says bitterly, the nurse looks at them both before hesitantly leaving the room. 

Chris sits down next to her. Tapping his knees with his fingers, playing an inaudible tune.

"I don't see why you're upset, me and Newt were just telling the truth." He says. Teresa shakes her head before gripping the sheets on each side of her, suddenly feeling a little sick.

"I had just been beaten up, severely, and the first thing you could say to me was how selfish I was." Teresa snaps back, pressing down on a purple bruise above her left knee cap with her thumb.

"I'm just saying what you did was stupid, for all you know Raphael could have hurt Thomas," Chris replies defensively. Teresa's heart rate instantly goes up with the thought of that outcome.

"Did I ask you and Thomas to come? If it was so stupid you shouldn't have come, you should have left me there." She says a calmly as she could, possibly too calm. Chris looks at her, concerned.

"Now that's not what I meant and you know it." He answers, his voice gentle, like the first time she met him. Teresa bites down on her bottom lip.

"If you read in between the lines, that's exactly what you meant." She explains, Chris runs his fingers through his hair. 

"You're a little bit of a brat aren't you?" He mumbles. Teresa's looks up at him, her eyes wide.

"I am not a brat! I am just saying-" She starts but Chris scoffs, "I know girls and how they act, this was all a little attention thing, couldn't stand not having someone chasing after you." He says before striding out the room. Slamming the door behind him. Teresa's eyes sting with embarrassment. Her face going pink. 

The nurse walks back in with a woman, smiling at Teresa. She walks over and stands at Teresa's left while her nurse stands at the right. They hold her under her arm before pulling her onto her feet. 

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