Chapter 51

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I step out of the diesel, pushing the airbag out of the way. Other than my chest hurting like a motherfucker, I'm alright. 

I hop to the ground and stare at the sight before me, a smile coming to my face.

The deed is done...

I examine the crushed, dented vehicle and the smoke coming from the engine. I have to admit, I did a pretty good job. But where's the bitch at? 

I walk to the mess of crumpled metal and make out the passenger side of the vehicle. 

As I lean over, I can see Kehlani crawling out of the car, face and hands bloodied. Almost immediately, regret fills my body. I wanted to make sure she didn't get hurt as bad. But oh well... She got what she deserved. 

I stand before her, watching as she releases herself from the smoking vehicle, a groan coming out of her mouth. I watch as she sprawls on the ground, closing her eyes in pain. 

"So you thought you can run away, huh?" I ask. 

Her eyes shoot open and her mouth opens in an O of shock. I grab her by her hair and pull her to her feet. 

"Fucking answer me, Lani. You thought you could run, didn't you?" 

She struggles to stand, pressing her bloody hands together,"I-I'm sorry. I-" 

"Shut the fuck up!" I growl, hearing another car coming up the abandoned road. 

I turn my head and see a black Charger, the getaway car, waiting beside the sight. 

I yank her hair, turning her head towards the car,"get ya ass in the car." 

"But what about Robyn? I can't-" 

I yank her hair harder, making her cry in pain,"fuck that bitch! If you woulda just listened to me, this wouldn't have happened so soon and you wouldn't have been in the middle of it! Now she's dead. And she has your name written all over it. Which do you want? Me or jail time?" 

She silent for a moment and I chuckle,"exactly. Now get in the car." 

As she makes her way to the car, I pull out my burner phone and call 911. 

"911, what's your emergency?" 

"I just passed by Zander's Edge and I just witnessed a bad car crash. Please come quick, the vehicle is smoking." 

I hang up before the operator can say anything else. I throw the phone over the railing and turn around, getting in the passenger seat of the car. 

That'll teach people not to mess with me. They just don't know what I'm capable of.

~Trina J.  

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