"Silver" yogi x reader

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You just had to say yes didn't you. You just had to help them on one little mission that was 100% nothing could go wrong. Well whoever made those calculations needs to get there bit off of airship 2 and back into elementary school. Oh you all must be wondering what Your talking about right now. Your name is (y/n) and You are a nurse on airship 2. You have (h/c) and (e/c). Write now Your hiding behind massive coats, hats, and ...... wait is that. GAREKIS GUN!!! You told him not to leave those unattended or else Nia would get them! You had a scowls on your face. Well you may be wondering why Your in a wardrobe right now. I you are currently hiding from Yogi... well "silver" Yogi. It was just an innocent game of tag with Nia, Gareki, Yogi, and you. When Gateki tag Yogi he tagged him on the face. It couldn't have been on the shoulder, or on the back, but no it hade to be his face. Well after that Yogi's patch feel off, so know Gareki, Nia, and You are hiding for your lives. Hopefully one of them calls for help You don't want him finding y-
"(Y/n)-chan were are you~," said silver Yogi. Instead of Yogis pleasant welcoming voice you were met with a bone chilling growl. "(Y/N)- chan there is no use hiding from me. I know your here~" You dare not make a sound, afraid he could hear your pants from running so fast. Your arms were clasped over your mouth, and your eyes not blinking from fear. Your heart was pounding so hard You thought he could here it*
"Hmmmm... maybe she isn't here~" Silver Yogi said. You let out a breath that You didn't know you were holding. You stayed in there though seeing if he would come back in. You cautiously open the doors. There creaking cut through the silence like a knife. You didn't see anything, or anyone. You took one step before You heard him. "Well looks like my (y/n)-chan has come out to play after all. Oh this will be so much fun~" You spin around your (h/c) gliding behind me. There he was. In all of his glory standing there was silver Yogi. You backed away slowly until your back hit the wall. Stupid, why had you hid in the storage composite when you knows that there wasn't that much space! You look up to see Yogi inches away from your face. You can see how his silver hair clashed with his violet eyes beautifully. Your eyes still wide widen from shock. "W-what are y-you d-d-doing" you manage to whisper. He chuckles. Not his usual one that was filled with so much hope and life. This chuckle was cold, and dead. You froze in your spot. "Well I thought since normal Yogi gets to play with you then I deserve a turn. Right???~" He gets even closer your nose almost touching his. "W-w-what?" You said still in a state of shock. All you got for an answer was an evil smirk and a cloth over your nose and mouth. As the world seem to dissolve around you, before you were fully unconscious you heard words that would echo in your brain for years. "Yogis gone and you'll never get him back kitten~" Then darkness.

K guys that was my first one shot I may do a part two if you guys like it. Also follow my friend tofeycat. Her work is awesome so yeah. Hopefully you guys like the story BOIIII!!!

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