Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

As Jungkook held her hand tightly Maya gave in and held on too. She looked up at him and saw that he was smiling through his mask as he looked anywhere but at her.

(Korean) "you know, my bias in BTS was never you?" She asked as she smiled and looked away.

(Korean) "what?" He asked as he quickly turned his face towards her.

(Korean) "Yh! My bias was and has always been Suga from day one."

(Korean) "Ya! You can't do that! Your holding my hand not his!"

(Korean) "I'm just speaking the truth." She shrugged as she continued to walk but was stopped due to a pull from behind.

(Korean) "Hey! Why'd you stop walking?" Maya questioned Jungkook.

Jungkook released her hand and continued to walk in front of Maya leaving her behind.

Maya, at first was surprised and a little confused but then she realised that he was jealous. She didn't know exactly why but she knew it was jealousy.

She quickly ran up to him and jumped onto his back.
Jungkook held onto her thighs as he pushed her up and got a firm grip of her. He smiled to himself as he turned his head to face hers. Maya couldn't help but laugh at what happened and Jungkook loved the sight of her laugh.

After they got the food and drinks they walked back to the park that the others were at.

"MAEBAE!" Rose yelled out as she was sat down on the picnic table with one of her trouser legs rolled up to show her knee.

Maya ran up to her to see what was wrong with her.
"Oh princess, what happened?" She saw that Rose had a little cut on her leg. It wasn't much so she didn't worry too much.

"I was running away from squishy and I fell down." Rose cried as she hugged Maya as tight as she could.

(Korean) "I was pretending to be a bear that was chasing her and she was running away and then she fell." Jimin said as he looked down and looked a little ashamed.

(Korean) "Don't worry, it's not your fault. You guys were only having fun. And besides our Rose is strong and brave, this is nothing to her." Maya said as she reassured Jimin and tried to cheat Rose up.

(Korean) "Where's Tae hyung?" Jungkook asked as he kneeled beside Rose and whipped her tears away.

(Korean) "Im here!" Taehyung came running up to them with his mask on his face and a bag in his hand
"I went to get some plasters and some disinfectant solution for Rose."

"Maebae I don't want to put that water on my leg it hurts." Rose cried as she dug her head into Maya's stomach.

Maya bent down so that she was face to face with Rose.
"Rose, you know this will help you get better?" Maya comforted Rose.

(Korean) "Rose! Look what I got you!" Jungkook said as he pulled out a happy meal from the bag of foods.
"Let's see what toys inside."

Maya saw what Jungkook was doing. He was distracting Rose from Taehyung and Jimin cleaning up her cut and putting a plaster on.

Maya couldn't help but stare and smile at how Jungkook was behaving with Rose.

(Korean) "All done!" Jimin and Taehyung shouted out after finishing.

Jungkook turned his head to see that Maya was staring at him. He smiled at her and put his hand on her hand. Maya snapped out of her thoughts and quickly jumped up releasing his hand from hers.

(Korean) "Lets eat!" She shouted out causing everyone to sit around the table.

Jimin and Taehyung were sat with each other on one side Jungkook and Maya on one side with Rose on the table in the middle of them all. They all had their own food. So there was enough space on the table.

During their meal, they all shared jokes, teased each other and basically chatted away.

Jungkook placed his hand on Maya's hand when she put her hand in the middle of the two using it as a balance to support her weight when feeding Rose her drink. Maya quickly looked down at her hand and saw that Jungkook was now tangling their fingers together. She looked up at Jungkook to see that he was facing Jimin who was sat right opposite it. Maya was about to pull her hand away but Jungkook held her hand even tighter. This caused Maya to smile to herself and she turn her hand around so that now their palms were touching each other.

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