ummm what is going on

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 mori holding my waist tight as im in his lap. i blush and then we hit the bottom pool area. i giggle and mori actually laughed for once. we get out and find everybody outside the pool area starring at us. then i follow honey who grabbed my hand pulling me into a river thingy. i smile why not. then honey steps in. come on y/n i slowly follow in. i drag honeys pink doughnut in  and my green one.. come on honey i say placing him in his. he giggled and i did too. we just sat their floating. then i hear screaming. i drop out of my dougnut and look up to see no honey. i panick honey senpi!!!! he waved his hand. i swam down all the way to him. he is getting pushed down by to boys.i push the boys away and pick honey up and place him on my shoulders like mori. honey hold on. i shift him on to my back. here we go. i dive under water a little bit so honey is still above the water. i swam all the way to a ledge with stairs. then i shifted him back on my shoulders. here honey look an icecream stand. yaay ice cream we cheered. we walked over to the stand.i pull honey  down for a little bit. um i will take f/f, honey what do you want. i want cotton candy. i payed the man. honey giggled. here you and your child go mam. i sweat dropped. he isnt my child he is my class mate sir. then he sweat dropped again. sorry he bowed. it is ok. come on honey senpi. he crawled back onto my shoulders. as we were eating icecream we found the twins,kyoya,tamiki,and mori. they walked with us. i placed honey on mori after i finished my icecream. i will be right back i hear haruhi screaming. the followed in worry. i find her tied up about to get hit with a fist.i block the hit with my back. baka what are you doing haruhi told me. saving you you are my only child hood friend. i turn around haruhi your free to go now. i punch the guy in the nuts. go get the host club i told her. she nodded and ran. more guy came. look here pretty were gonna beat you, and then rape you, and then KILL YOU. they pulled out knives. i giggled. you mess with my friends you mess with me. i kick their weapons out of their hands. come and get me bitches. i runto a pole and they surround me. awe you guys want me to strip huh. TOOO BAD, i started runing on their faces. and they fall down. thats exsactly what i thought. then i got pinned to a wall. then i turn and see the host club. good luck stranger. i smiled at him. i pushed him away.  mori just watched m in amazement.

play song

This is Garnet
Back together
And I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you
Because I'm so much better
And every part of me is saying "Go get 'er."
The two of us ain't gonna follow your rules.
Come at me without any of your fancy tools.
Let's go, just me and you.
Let's go, just one on two.

Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
I can see you hate the way we intermingle.punched his face
But I think you're just mad 'cause you're single.

You're not gonna stop what we've made together.
We are gonna stay like this forever.
If you break us apart we'll just come back newer.
And we'll always be twice the gem that you are. i tripped him
I am made o-o-o-o-of
Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of

Mm mm mm mm mm. punched his gut

This is who we are.
This is who I am.
And if you think you can stop me
Then you need to think again.
'Cause I am a feeling
And I will never end.dodged his punches
And I won't let you hurt my planet,
I won't let you hurt my friends.

Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
I know you think I'm not somethin' you're afraid of.
'Cause you think that you've seen what I'm made of.

But I am even more than the two of them.
Everything they care about is what I am.
I am their fury.
I am their patience.
I am a conversation.

I am made
Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of
And it's stronger than you.punched his back
Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of
And it's stronger than you.
Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of
And it's stronger than you.
Lo-o-o-o-ove lo-o-o-o-ove

kicked his stomach

then i wink at mori. he blushed and the guy fell down. well how was that for a song huh honey i rubbed his head. i turned around and the guy grabbed my bikini top and i kicked him so far and high. then my top ripped in half. i covered my ches with my arms. time for the hotel i smile. and then we all walked their smiling and laughing. as soon as we got to the hotel i got into the shower first. then the hosts pile into mine and haruhis room instead of theirs. i heard them come in. i sighed and ignored them. i left a crack in the door so i can ask haruhi for anything. while im in the shower i got board so i asked. hey haruhi  is it ok if a sing a song?  umm... i dont mind to hear you voice sing. she smiled. if you need any thing else just ask ok y/n. ok sure thing. then out of nowhere the water got cold so i turned up the heat so it got warm. i smiled and i started to sing in the best way i could.

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