Kiss Cam at Quidditch

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~third person~

"Are you ready for the game today??" bugged Ron to Harry.

"Ron this is the tenth time you've asked Harry, just give it a rest?" Hermione said annoyed.

Today was the day that Hogwarts had put in a kiss cam for the quidditch games. Ron kept teasing Harry saying how it was going to land on him and Cho, but Harry fought back with reasoning.

"Ron, the camera goes to the people with the most chemistry. If you hadn't noticed, Cho doesn't like me like that."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."


*at game*

Harry was in the air waiting for the snitch to be in sight. Draco was circling the field under Harry. The score was close, the snitch could change that though.

~Harry POV~

I've been trying to look for the snitch, but Draco had that look of concentration that was so sexy-I mean distracting. I almost missed when the kiss cam started.

~back to third person~

The camera panned through the entire field and stands. The game came to a stop, and everyone was watching with anticipation

The stands were silent when one of the cameras stopped on the Gryffindor seeker.

Then almost immediately after the second camera stopped, conversation erupted and gasps were heard.

Harry looked up and couldn't believe his eyes. His face turned red and he flew lower, trying to hide himself in the players.

He hung his head low, trying to hide his blush. Draco?

Ron was going to be disappointed it wasn't Cho. Harry smiled slightly at this thought.

Harry then looked up to see a certain blond seeker flying slowly his way. His face was even more red then Harry's.

Draco was now in reaching length away from Harry, completely stunned. Harry could feel a thousand eyes on him.

"Draco.." Harry tried to start but Draco leaned in and pressed his lips against Harry's.

It was a short kiss, too short Harry thought.

"It's a kiss cam Potter. Stop acting so surprised." Draco said barely moving his lips.

They were still staring at each other when Harry saw in his peripheral vision something gold.

"You're going down." Harry spoke with a smirk and sped off towards the snitch.
*after game in Gryffindor locker room*
~Harry POV~

I tried to keep my head hung low. Everyone was questioning me, even my teammates. After a million responses of "I don't want to talk about it right now" they congratulated me on catching the snitch and left, leaving me alone in peace.

I heard the door open and wondered who left what behind. I turned the corner and saw those unmistakable icy blue-gray eyes.

"Draco?" I said, " How'd you get in here?"

"Never mind that, we need to talk."

"Right. I figured." I waited for him to start on a rant on how we were enemies and could never be.... more. What he did surprised me.

He pushed me against the lockers and pounced on my lips. I couldn't complain, this is what I wanted earlier.

We stayed like that for a while, just devouring each other, savoring every touch.

He pulled back to breathe and looked in my eyes. I had seen this in his eyes before, but I didn't understand it at the time. He liked me. He always had.

I pulled him closer to me again, arms wrapped around his neck. His hands went under my shirt and gripped my hips. One of my hands went into his combed-back hair, pushing him closer to me.

Draco's hands started to slide upwards, exposing my stomach until I decided to just take my shirt completely off. He then went to my neck, kissing, sucking. My entire body shuddered when he hit a spot and he stayed there, probably marking it.

My hands snaked lower, going to his zipper. I didn't know what I was doing, I only knew what I was feeling. And right now, I felt like taking Draco's pants off.

He didn't try to stop me or even falter in the glorious thing he was doing to my collarbone. I unbuttoned and pulled down the zipper.

After I pulled his pants down, I put one hand under his chin. I lifted his face so I could kiss him again.

I was so in the moment I didn't hear the door open and the footsteps getting closer till it was too late.


And that's how Fred and George found us. My shirt off and on the ground and Draco without pants, pushing me against the lockers, kissing.

To say my face was red would be an understatement.

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