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~Harry POV~

It had been going on for a while now. Constantly sneaking out after dark to meet my "enemy". Now though, he was much more.

Every other night, Draco and I would go to the room of requirements to see each other. It started off as a way to bicker without anyone ever knowing.

I remember the day it changed though. He had his wand pointed at me, his forehead wet with sweat. He was trying to act intimidating, but it wasn't working on me.

Somehow I knew him, I could see right past his actions. Maybe it was because I studied him in the classes we had together instead of actually doing work...

"You scared Potter?" Our eyes met and I couldn't take it any longer. The tension that built between us all these years just came out as I lounged at him, tackling him till his back was against the ground.

"What the-" and our lips connected.  I had him pinned down, not allowing him to move.

I never expected him to comply. I always thought it'd end terribly, with him hating me even more and exposing me, but I was wrong.

Immediately, as if he waited his entire life for this, he kissed back.

It was heated and fast. We both wanted to make up for lost time and needed to explore each other.

I licked his bottom lip, hoping to take this further, and he quickly opened his lips to let me enter.

Draco became hard underneath me. It was weird, knowing the affect I had on him with just kissing. He squirmed under me, trying to gain friction until he gave up the act of self control and bucked against me.

Well... now I was hard.

I started to grind into him. It began in slow, drawn out movements. But I couldn't take that.

Draco began to restrain against my hands, obviously wanting to do more.

I let go of him and got attacked by his hands flying over me. It started on my shoulders, going downward to my hips and coming back up, only to explore my front side now.

While he was feeling me over, I took my chance to slide my hand under his shirt.

"The answer to that question is 'no', I'm not scared"

We didn't go all the way that night, but we did receive pleasure. Each night slowly built up the more we'd do to each other.

I was normally careful to bring my invisibility cloak and Marauders' map, but Ron seemed to stay up forever and I couldn't go till he was sound asleep. He kept going on and on about how he couldn't believe what Draco did to me in Herbology that day. I murmured a few words of agreement, but I was just thinking about Draco and tonight, after this long conversation would end. How I'd touch every part of him and hear his moans-

"Harry? Are you even listening?" Oh, whoops. Must of zoned out...

"Uh, sorry," I try and make it sound sincere but I just wanted him to be quiet.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm just really tired," I then faked yawn for effect.

"Okay, we'll continue this tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure."

It took about twenty minutes to make sure he was actually sleeping and I was really late.

What if Draco thought I didn't want him anymore. Would he be mad?

I practically sprinted to the room under my cloak. I was a quarters way there when I realized I left my map, oh well.

I opened the door after pacing three times and saw Draco with a slightly angered face mixed with worry.

"Hey sorry I-" and he had me by my hips, smashing them against his, forcing our lips together.


~Ron POV~

I woke up around three in the morning and noticed Harry wasn't in his bed.

Shit! What happened? I go to his bed and search for the Marauders map. I luckily found it.

Harry had shown me a few times how this worked and what it could show.

After saying the opening line, my eyes hurriedly scuttle across the paper looking for "Harry Potter".

Room of requirements? And was that...Draco's name? Oh no... he's in trouble.

I run to Harry as fast as I can, not caring if I got caught (which luckily I didn't) . I reach the room and try to open it. I had only heard Harry explain this once, and I only just barely remembered what I had to do.

Finally the door opens and


Harry and Draco look up from their... very intimate position, faces red and covered in sweat.

There was a mad dash to separate and cover themselves.

"Ron I can-uh- explain?" Harry tried, but I knew perfectly well what was going on.

"You could've told me so I didn't have to come here and see you two going at it!" I say with disgust, remembering what was fresh in my mind. I shuddered.

'Oops' is all he could manage to say.

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