Blossomfall Rant-Hate

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I hate Blossomfall, there, I said it. She's just a huge brat.

Just to make things clear, being jealous does not mean you're a brat, because it's okay to be jealous. Everyone gets jealous sometimes, even adults. It's what she did because she was jealous that made her a brat.

Just because Blossomfall's jealous doesn't mean she can join The Dark Forest with a good reason. Would you fight for Hell just because your sibling gets more attention than you? Heck, Blossomfall knew the Dark Forest was evil.

"A good cat wouldn't be jealous of an injured littermate.So that's why I've ended up in the Dark Forest. I'm not stupid. I know it's where cats go if they're not allowed into StarClan. But I guess I won't get into StarClan either, because I hate my sister for being injured. So the Dark Forest is where I fit in, and I'm getting good training, better than anything we get here."—Sign of The Moon page 246.

Blossomfall knew they were evil and made her own decision to support the group of cats that want to destroy everyone she grew up with.

Blossomfall also stated that she hated Briarlight just because of her injury.

"But I guess I won't get into StarClan either, because I hate my sister for being injured." -Sign Of The Moon, page 246.

Crippled or not, actually hating your sibling for getting more attention than you is wrong. Blossomfall just admitted she hated Briarlight. It's not like she yelled at Briarlight "I hate you" while she was under a lot of stress in front of her like Dovewing did. She's admitting her hate of Briarlight. If Blossomfall really did care about Briarlight, she would've helped her like Bumblestripe did.

She even made fun of Briarlight's injury.

"Blossomfall snorted. "What's the worst that could happen? We might lose the use of our legs?" -Sign Of The Moon, page 218.

Yes Blossomfall, that's the worst that could happen. She seriously didn't think about how others, including herself, would feel if she became crippled like her sister. The Clan already had trouble with Briarlight's injury. Not only that, but she's making fun of her sister. Briarlight broke her spinal cord, and the only other case the cats living in this time have had with the same injury is Wildfur, who died. Briarlight is dying very slowly. Blossomfall should recognize this as she's her sister.

We even see Bumblestripe act more mature than her. Bumblestripe.

"Briarlight would have loved this. It's just not fair! She was trying to help Longtail. Why did StarClan have to punish her?" - Fading Echos page 202.

Blossomfall is not getting attention by training in the Dark Forest. The Dark Forest cats are obviously abusive, and Blossomfall knows that. The Dark Forest cats have not been nice to her. Blossomfall has gotten injured there, maybe that was a sign she should've left? Lionblaze and Tawnypelt have freely left before. Not to mention, Blossomfall's father is Graystripe. Surely she should've heard stories about Brokenstar and Tigerstar and known that they were bad?

Blossomfall is not being neglected either. Millie has good reason to worry for Briarlight because she's dying from a broken spinal cord (And keep in mind that she's a cat living in the wild). Millie showed obvious concern for Blossomfall when she snapped at her. Millie's snapping at Blossomfall was completely called for and understandable. Instead, Blossomfall chose to take it as Millie expressing hate for her. If Blossomfall was being neglected, she could've talked to anyone in the Clan since they seem to care about her. What about Bumblestripe or Graystripe? Even so, she doesn't really need her mother, and should understand why Millie is so distant.

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