Nightcloud Rant-Hate

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Nightcloud is a character I see a lot of mixed opinions on. I've seen people feel sympathy for her, and I've seen people hate her for being overly clingy to Crowfeather. Since I already made a Breezepelt and Crowfeather rant, I probably should do a Nightcloud rant also. So my opinion on her? Like I already said in the title, I don't like her. Not because she "stole Leafpool from Crowfeather," but because she's possessive to the point of being physically abusive, encouraged Breezepelt to hate Crowfeather, and has no redeeming qualities. I like Crowfeather because of his flaws, but Nightcloud doesn't have anything interesting about her. She's just a huge jerk.

I've seen people hate Crowfeather for being abusive to Nightcloud and like Nightcloud, but really? Nightcloud was even more abusive to Crowfeather than Crowfeather was to Nightcloud. All Crowfeather did was use her to prove his loyalty to WindClan, which while still bad, isn't as bad as Nightcloud actually physically abusing Crowfeather. "Get away from her!" Nightcloud had crossed the ditch. She sank her claws into Crowfeather's pelt and dragged him away from Leafpool." -Night Whispers, page 203. She's overly possessive to the point of physically dragging him away with her own claws instead of grabbing him by the scruff. That's like someone grabbing your arms with their own nails (But sharper because claws). 

Nightcloud also used Crowfeather, and it was because she felt old and wanted kits. "Nightcloud was older than Crowfeather, and was starting to feel concerned she would never have a chance to bear kits." -The Ultimate Guide, page 111. Nightcloud was even mentioned to not like Crowfeather back. "She [Nightcloud] stuck by Crowfeather without respecting or even liking him particularly." -The Ulitimate Guide, page 111.

Everyone remembers The Sight as that one book that showed a kind side of Nightcloud, but we also get a Nightcloud who gets mad at Crowfeather for the littlest things. "You should have more faith in our son, Crowfeather."-The Sight, page 293. But really, in context of this actual quote, all Crowfeather did was ask Breezepelt a clarifying question, and Nightcloud gets mad at him. We also see her try to shame Crowfeather, when Crowfeather actually tried to save Breezepelt from suffocating while she just stands back. "Our kit was lucky that Jaypaw was here." Nightcloud's comment was edged with sharpness." -The Sight, page 354. Crowfeather attempted to save Breezepelt panicked about him almost dying, while Nightcloud just stood in the background yelling "My kit!" and Nightcloud doesn't even thank him!

Nightloud was also the one to encourage Breezepelt to hate Crowfeather. "I never hated you! That's just what you were determined to believe. And Nightcloud encouraged you."-The Last Hope, page 308. Nightcloud spoils Breezepelt way too much, and for an unknown reason. I see a lot of theories saying that Nightcloud was abused as a kit and that's why she's the way she is, but that's just a head canon, and a head canon isn't actual canon. "I speak the truth as I see it, and what some might call the love of a she-cat for her kits, I call jealousy and arrogance. Nightcloud should trust her son to prove his own worth, without leaping in to defend him first. And maybe she should remember that of all Crowfeather's mates, she is the one StarClan have spared to live beside him."-Cats Of The Clans, page 54.

Art Credit: pichuspokedoll

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