Millie Rant-Love

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Millie is not a bad mother at all. She had every right to care for Briarlight over Bumblestripe and Blossomfall.

Briarlight broke her spinal cord, which is a really big injury. She can't control any part of her body below her lower backbone. She also almost died three times, once by greencough, once by adder, and another by the tree. Do you really think Millie would ignore that?

Millie was not rude to Jayfeather. She just acted like any mother would in this situation."Millie gasped. "What do you mean? Broken bones mend.""Not backbones""How do you know that?""Littlecloud had a warrior with the same inury" (Jayfeather) told her.Briarpaw was craning her neck to him.Jayfeather didn't answer. "He died didn't he?" Briarpaw whimpered."  -Fading Echos, page 174. Millie was trying her best to stay calm, but Jayfeather couldn't reassure her. It's a miracle Briarlight lived. Millie is doing the right thing by caring for Briarlight. Would you rather Millie neglect Briarlight like Graystripe did? Millie later yelled at Leafpool when she doubted Briarlight was going to be okay. Millie yelling at Leafpool is just her grief. Millie only yelled at her one time, and everyone's saying it like she yells at the medicine cats all the time. The worst Millie ever did to him was yell at them. "A growl rumbled in Millie's throat. "All you're doing is dragging out her suffering." Leafpool hurried from the warriors' den. "She's not in any pain," she meowed. "Jayfeather makes sure of that." "But she's not getting any better," Millie pointed out. "Being a medicine cat is as much about faith as about herbs." Leafpool swept her tail along Jayfeather's flank. Jayfeather jerked away. "I can deal with this by myself, Leafpool!" But Millie was muzzle to muzzle with Thunderclan's old medicine cat. "Faith?" she hissed. "If your warrior ancestors are so powerful, why don't they cure her? If this had happened in my old home, my housefolk would have fixed her." "Millie?" Graystripe's shocked whisper sounded from the entrance as he padded into the clearing. Is that what you really think?" Millie backed away."I don't know what to think," she rasped. "I only see my kit, broken and helpless, struggling through each day, with death stalking her like a fox...." her mew trailed into a silence. "But she's alive," Graystripe blinked. "She's here with us." Millie drew a deep breath. "She has to watch her littermates living the lives of warriors, while she just yowls and coughs and drags herself to and from the fresh-kill pile!" -Night Whispers, page 97. Her grief got so bad she started losing faith in Starclan. Briarlight even once almost let herself starve because she thought she was useless. "Briarlight turned her head away. "I don't hunt. I shouldn't eat." -Night Whispers, 145.

Millie is not abusing Blossomfall. Blossomfall is an adult, she should know why Millie is always around Briarlight. Millie did the right thing when she yelled at Blossomfall. She got angry because she was scared. One kit slowly dying from a broken spinal cord, and another one of her kits goes and gets herself into danger in the tunnels. Blossomfall almost died there, and if I were her mother, I'd be upset as well! That day, she could have lost a kit when she was already sick with grief over another. Millie's snapping at Blossomfall was completely called for and understandable. Whitewing acted differently because she doesn't have a dying kit. As far as she knows, her kits are living normal lives.

Millie defends Blossomfall as an apprentice. "Millie jumped out of the ferns, her eyes darting from Squirrelflight to Blossompaw. Blossompaw was limping slightly. The gray warrior darted to her daughter's side. "Are you okay?" She sniffed at Blossompaw's leg. "It's fine," Blossompaw assured her. "I just landed awkwardly." "What were you doing?" Blossompaw hung her head. "I wanted to know what it was like to sit in the Great Oak. Squirrelflight made me jump by shouting at me and I fell out." Millie shot an angry glance at Squirrelflight. "There was no need to frighten her! She could have hurt herself badly." - Fading Echoes, pg. 103-104 . Now tell me, why would Millie suddenly hate Blossomfall when Briarlight became crippled? Millie is seen defending Blossomfall right here, and started to fuss over her.

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