Chapter 1.

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    That's all it took. Just hearing the first gun shot go off had me sick to my stomach. I'd like to say I thought of my family... but the first thought that came to my mind was my brand new iPhone. Specifically, I better not get my new phone shattered.

So, what am I supposed to do? Flee or fight? I knew my opponent wasn't giving up without a fight, but am I capable of walking away in one piece?

The gunshot I heard didn't hit anyone in particular, but was more of a warning shot. I looked behind me, there was an alley about 35 feet away, and a decent little diner about 80. Which do I choose?

How did I even get myself into this mess? Oh, that's right, this would be the work of none other than drunk, naive Eve. Short for Evelyn, a.k.a me. Wonderful.

Sobering up, I can now see how leaving the safety and comfort of the nice little club I was at for the middle of an unknown street is really, really stupid. And now? Well, I'm about to witness my first murder. Or at least I hope I am, and I'm not the one being murdered.

I slowly backed away for the unraveling scene in front of me. Don't look behind you. Just focus on the man in front of you.. SNAP! Oh crap. The three large men dressed in black slowly turned around to look behind them.

If only that stupid twig hadn't been there! I was almost out of there! The three men instantly diverted their attention from the small man in front of them to the even smaller woman behind them. "Umm, hi?" I looked at their faces, they were clearly not happy to see me. "Okay, well I was just leaving so I'm just gonna-" HMPF. The bulkiest one of the three men rolled his eyes and said, "you think you're gonna get away just like that?" He took a step toward me. "Ryan, we've got a job to do," the next man in all black said. "You know boss won't be happy if we don't finish our mission."

"Finish it yourself! I've gotta make sure our little cheerleader here doesn't get away, boss wouldn't like that now would he?" I looked around for something to defend myself. Are you kidding me right now? I'm in the middle of a unknown, dark street and there isn't one thing to protect myself with?! "I-I didn't s-see anything I p-promise!" The big one, Ryan, kept walking towards me. "Now, you're gonna want to close your eyes cheerleader. Things are about to get messy for someone, and I'd hate for you to have to see that."

Behind him, the last guy pulled out a gun and aimed it at the small man's head. Without hesitating, he pulled the trigger. I jumped, and Ryan grabbed me. "You're gonna have to come with me while Sam and Lucas clean up our little mess." I struggled to get out of his arms, only making his grip on me tighter.

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