Chapter 19.

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   Love is a strong feeling. You're either in love, longing for it, or absolutely loathe the idea of it. Studies show that you can fall out of love just as easily as you can fall into love. There isn't a single person who knows the fate or their future, but right now I'm positive mine will be full of love.

"So? Now that everyone's here, can we know the baby's name?" Lily was the first to ask. Aaron looked down at me, "I guess it's time." I held our newborn son, my camera roll already full of pictures of him.

"On July 18, at exactly 4:28 in the afternoon, Saxton Ash Rory was brought into this world. He weighs 7 pounds and 4 ounces. And he's perfect in every way." Everyone smiled, quietly clapping so that baby Saxton could sleep. Aaron helped Emmet on the bed and he immediately began to coo over the baby.

As I held my newborn son, I looked around the room. Aaron's parents were here, being proud grandparents. Lily and Justin were here, and later more of the gang will be coming by. A couple of the nurses that were will me during the c-section were standing by the door. I watched everyone talking about how adorable the name Saxton is.

Even in one of the most happiest times of my life, a tear still rolled down my cheek. Aaron's parents are here, they get to meet their grandson. The grandchild my mother longed to have but will never meet. Aaron reached down and wiped the tear off my cheek. Smiling up at him, I reached down and planted a kiss on my baby's forehead.

Soon enough, it was only Aaron and I left in the room. Aaron's parents took Emmet back to the house so that we could prepare to bring home Saxton. The doctor who has been checking on him since he was born had just informed is that after 3 days in NICU, baby Rory was finally able to come home.

We put Saxton in his car seat. He's so little it looks like it's swallowing him! His baby blue and white striped onesie was one of the first things Aaron brought home after knowing for sure that I was pregnant.

We made our way to the car, Aaron carrying Saxton very carefully. Driving home was one of the most nerve wracking things ever. Anytime Saxton made a noise Aaron would freak out wanting to know if he was okay. The drive home would've only been 15 minutes long if Aaron was going the speed limit. Instead, it took us 30 minutes because he would only go 25 miles per hour.

Saxton was asleep when we finally reached the house. Aaron carried him upstairs and laid him down in the pack n play in our room. "I love you." He wrapped his arms around me and planted kisses on my neck. "Our son is perfect. He has your lips." Saxton really did have Aaron's lips; they were identical to his. "He has your eyes." I laughed, a little too loud for the sleeping baby. "How can you tell? His eyes are closed!" Aaron kissed me on the lips, "it doesn't matter, he's perfect because you're perfect."

"My parents are back with Emmet." I nodded my head, "I'll bring Saxton down to the living room." I picked up my sleeping baby as Aaron went to greet his parents. "I love you so much. Your daddy loves you so much. And no matter what happens, we will always keep you safe. I promise." I don't know what my future holds, but I know that I will never, ever, break that promise.

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