Chapter 9.

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The battlefield isn't always the bloodiest. Sometimes, the most blood is shed after the war. When wounded soldiers are finally seeing the extent of their injuries.

I tried not to act scared in front of Emmet, but it's really hard when you have no ideas where the love of your life is, or what he's doing. Emmet might only be 3, but he somehow knows when something isn't right with me.

I held him close in my lap, there was a tv on the safe room which currently played Paw Patrol, Emmet's request of course. Some of the guys' girlfriends had been led down here. I only recognized Justin's.

She sat in the beige recliner next to the black couch I was sitting on. "Thank you for the clothes you gave me when I first I got here. Do you need them back? I can always give them back." I told her. Okay Evelyn, quit acting so nervous. Everything is going to be fine. You know this.. right?

      "Oh no! I don't need those back. I've grown out of them." Lily smiled at me. "Besides, us girls have to help each other out." She winked. I looked around the room, all of these girls seemed fine. Not one of them seemed as nervous/stressed/worried/scared as me.  "Has this happened before? Y'all seem really calm right now." Lily shrugged.

     "It's happened twice with me here. The first time I was scared to death, but now, I know my man is going to be okay. He's part of the most powerful gang in the world," she looked at the other girls, "and it's not like I'm NOT nervous each time they fight, but it's what they do. Part of the sexy gang member package." She winked again.

      Lily introduced the rest of the girls to me after Emmet fell asleep. Jenny is Shawn's girlfriend, Jaycee is with Bryce, Reagan is Casey's, and Lilliana has Luke. They were all really nice and helped me relax some. We talked about how long everyone has been living here, planned a girls day out, and found out what all we had in common with each other.

     I was nearly asleep when I heard the door begin to open. Jaycee, Lilliana, and Jenny were already sleep; spread out on the second couch. I looked at the clock on the wall, it read 3:09 a.m. Reagan and Lily heard the door too, but remained where they were. Lily put a single finger against her lips, signaling me to stay silent. I nodded and stayed still.

     Three large figures appeared in the doorway. One by one, they walked in. The largest figure walked straight towards me. There was dried blood all along his white t-shirt. He had scratches on his arms and face.

    "I said I'd come back for you now didn't I." I let out the breath I don't even know I was holding. A small smile found its way to my face as I looked into Aaron's eyes. "Come on, let's get you two to your beds. He picked up Emmet and held my hand. Shawn has came in and gotten Jenny and Jaycee, and Justin got Lily, Reagan, and Lilliana.

       "Is everyone okay?" I asked Aaron as we made our way up the stairs. "There's some minor injuries, but nothing serious." When we entered Emmet's room, I got out a pair of dinosaur pajamas while Aaron layers him on the bed. We changed his clothes and then went to our room.

     "How many people died?" Something flashed across Aaron's face, but it was gone before I knew it. "You don't need to worry about that." He said. "Well there's dried blood on your shirt, Shawn and Justin look just as bad, so there has to be some deaths." I looked up at him. "Your gang was under attack, you really think I would believe you didn't kill whoever started this?"

     I searched his eyes for something, anything, but nothing was there. "How many?" He sighed. "None of my guys. It was the Sacred Stripes that attacked us. A small gang. They knocked out the two security guards on duty, and found their way to the house. After I got you to the safe room, I went to fight. Most of the enemy was already dead, thanks to my guys. Their leader was already captured, and I took him down to the basement." He looked at me and kissed my forehead. "I questioned him, as well as Justin, and then we killed him. In total, 23 deaths. No one from their gang survived."

     My stomach flipped. Tears gathered in my eyes but I blinked them back. I reached up and kissed Aaron.

    "You need to get cleaned up."
    "And you need to go to sleep."

   He led me to the bed, kissed me once again, and then went into the bathroom. Is this what it's going to be like? The killing and attacks. Is it all worth falling for the gang leader? I fell asleep just as strong arms wrapped around me. Yes.

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