Chapter 8.

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I woke to strong arms wrapped around me. It took me a minute, and a mental freak out session, to realize it was just Aaron. Not wanting to disturb him, I eyes his arms off me and walked quietly to Emmet's room.

He was still sleeping, so I decided to take a morning shower. Last night was the first night of sleeping in the same bed with Aaron. And although I expected it to be awkward, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. The way he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to his chest comforted me. Should I be feeling this way?

I was rinsing my hair of conditioner just as I felt hands on my hips. "Aaron! Get out! I'm naked!" I could tell he was smirking without even looking at him. "It's a great view," was all he said before slapping my butt. Oh no he didn't. I lifted my hand up, acting as if I were reaching for the body wash, and grabbed the detachable shower head and spraying him all over.

"Is that how you want to play?" He asked, in a deep tone. I swallowed, what did I just do. He pulled me out of the shower and carried me to the bed. He could care less about the fact that we were both wet. "S-stop. I was just p-playing." I stuttered as him hands roamed my body. Yet, as his hands reached the southern parts of my body, I was moaning softly.

"Hey guys, Emmet's - OH GOD." I quickly grabbed the blanket, covering my naked body. Aaron glared out Justin. He swallowed, no doubt embarrassed that he just walked in on his best friend/boss and his girlfriend. Girlfriend? Girlfriend. "What were you saying about Emmet?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence. "Oh, um, I was just going to let y'all know that he's awake." Justin looked at the floor the whole time he spoke. "Ok, thank you. Tell him we will be down for breakfast in a minute, please." He nodded his head and walked out.

Aaron leaned in close and whispered into my ear. "We'll finish this later." He pulled his wet shirt off, and put on a royal blue button up that looked good against his dark pants, and then walked out of our room. Holy crap.

I got pulled on some a pair of jeans and a cute white lace top. I brushed my some what damp hair and headed downstairs.

Emmet was sitting in between Aaron and Justin on the couch. He had become used to them, no longer shy around them. "Eveeeee, please tell Emmet it's time to watch something other than Paw Patrol. We've been watching if for a hour now!" Justin whined. I looked at my two favorite boys. Emmet and Aaron were both staring at the tv screen, completely into the episode. "Sorry, but I've suffered through it, and so can you." Justin let out a small grunt, and left to find his girlfriend.

I walked over and sat beside Aaron, pulling Emmet into my lap. "Good morning Em, did you sleep good?" He nodded his head, obviously way more into the show than me. Aaron place a kiss on my cheek, "you didn't ask me." He said as he kissed my neck. "Oh I know you did. China could of heard the snores coming from you!" "I do NOT snore!" I smirked, he was way too fun to tease. "You better not leave another hickey." He smiled against my neck. "I think you deserve one," he said, "or maybe 4.." I gasped and looked at him. Now it was his turn to smirk. "Aaron Matt Rory if you left FOUR hickeys on me I will never sleep with you." I watched his face go pale. "I'm sorry! I didn't leave any I swear!" I burst out laughing.

The intimidating gang leader practically just begged me to sleep with him. "Just wait for tonight. You'll be screaming my name, waking up the whole neighborhood." He kissed me on cheek again, and then walked into the kitchen. What have I done?

I held Emmet's hand and made him a plate for breakfast. There were pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fruit. After making both of our plates, we sat down at the table next to Aaron. As soon as I sat down, his hand landed on my thigh. "Care to finish what we started earlier?" He whispered in my ear. "Absolutely not! We're eating breakfast for cryin' out loud!" He shrugged his shoulders, but his hand never moved.

Justin came running in the kitchen. "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" He yelled. Aaron pulled me out of my seat, and grabbed Emmet, placing him on his hip. "What's going on?" I asked. "Another gang is ambushing us, I'm taking you guys to the safe room, wait for me to come back and get you." He led us down a series of hallways, and then down a flight of stairs. "You're not staying with us?" I asked, the fear on my voice was no doubt noticeable.

He opened a door resembling a safe and handed me Emmet. "Wait here until I come get you." I nodded, and with that he shut the door, locking it.

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