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a/n- okay, so this story is gonna be a collab with noDunsintened

i'll be writing the odd chapters :)


•Y/n's POV•

I silently waited at my bus stop. There were a few other people from school waiting by me. Some in the same grade as me, and a couple were younger. We live in Brooklyn, so of course there's always people walking by, either on their way to work or school.

I focused on the small snowflakes hitting my boots, thinking about how I'd like to get this day over with quickly, being that it was Friday.

My thoughts were interrupted when the sound of the bus was near. I looked up, seeing the bus doors being opened. I walked inside, and looked over the crowd of people sitting down to find one specific person. Him.

The boy with the perfect, silky, ruby red hair that looks about as soft as a feather. And his bright brown eyes that I love to look into.

I noticed him in the back, with a black coat around him for warmth. He had an empty seat next to him. He looked up and noticed me, giving me a smile. I smiled in return, and walked to the back of the bus.

"Hey Josh," I greeted him tiredly as I sat next to him.

"Hi," he responded quietly, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. I looked over his shoulder, curious about what he was doing. Playing Candy Crush.

"Dude, you still play that?" I teased him, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Of course not, other than the fact that this game is a million years old."

"That's an exaggeration," he chuckled quietly.


I walked into my most least favorite class. Math. I didn't have any friends in that class, but there was one boy I've talked to a few times. He's Josh's friend, Tyler. I don't know him that well, he's mostly very quiet during class.

I sat in front of him, and he gave me a small smile and wave as I set my backpack down. I smiled in return with a quiet 'hello'.


I was now heading to one of my favorite classes, orchestra. Because Josh was in it, of course.

I walked inside of the room and spotted Josh sitting in the back. I walked towards him and took a seat next to him.

"Whats up?" I smiled, looking towards him.

"Nothing much. Oh- I wanted to ask you-maybe you could come to my house later to hang out and do homework?"

"That sounds great! I'll just text my mom." I smiled.

"Tyler will come too. You know him, right?" Josh questioned.

"Yeah, we don't talk though," I replied.

Josh nodded as he smiled. "He's cool, you'll get along well."

"Sounds good."

Cardinal// Josh Dun X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now