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A/n: sorry for taking forever to update. We're not abandoning this story so don't worry

I'm back by the way, I plan on updating as much as I can with this story because i love it so much ~ Iris

•Y/n's POV•

Me and Tyler sat at the lunch table together since Josh and Debby were on their own during lunch. Tyler was writing so many notes on how to get us together for his matchmaking game while I watched Josh smile at Debby, making my heart sting.

"Y/n, I promise I will get you two together. You already said you trusted me now act like it." Tyler told me. I could tell this was now bothering him to. I don't know if it was because I focused to much on them or if it was Josh with Debby that bothered him. Maybe both.

"I do trust you Tyler, it's just really hard to stop watching them. Do you see the way they look at each other?" Tyler looked at them and sighed.

"I can see," he paused for a moment and watched them, "but I will get you two together just hang in there. I already got a plan which takes place tonight."

Knowing Tyler I was a little nervous to see what he had planned for tonight but interested at the same time. "Whatcha got planned?" I looked over at his notebook to look at all the notes but he closed it and turned his body towards me.

"Picture it. Tonight I call Josh to meet up and me and you are waiting for him okay. When he shows up I make an excuse to leave and leave you two there to talk and get together." He smiled and looked passionate about his idea.

"That's very cliché Tyler."


On the bus, me and Tyler were in the back while Josh and Debby were towards the front. Josh used to always seat in the back but Debby preferred the front or towards the middle really.

After a lot of convincing, Tyler dropped his idea from lunch and is struggling to come up with another one. "Why did you make me scrap my idea?" He was very upset I didn't like it.

"It's been done in so many tv shows and movies Tyler, he would know what was happening." I explained, which didn't make him feel any better.

After a while of silence Tyler smiled wide and looked at me. "I got it."

"What is it?" I ask him as I watch Debby get off at her house. Josh is watching her from the window.

"Go sit with him."


"Go!" He pushed me out of my seat and slowly I walked towards Josh's seat. Before I knew it Tyler pushed me down, making me fall right beside Josh's seat. Nearly the whole bus looked my way after hearing the big 'thud' and my slight scream.

"Are you okay?" Josh stood over me holding out his hand for me to take. My body frozen from embarrassment as every eye was on me. "Y/n?" He said to get my attention. Finally after a few more seconds of being on the floor, I got up back on my feet and grabbed my bag from the bus floor.

"I'm okay. Thanks" I brushed myself off. Lord knows what's been on that floor.

"We're you trying to get off the bus?" He sat back down in his seat but kept his look on me. I never realized how much I liked his eyes until I was staring right at them. I completely forgot he asked me a question before he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh um no, I wasn't I was just changing seats." I sit down beside him and sat my book bag at my feet.

"Why? Weren't you sitting with Tyler?"

"Yeah I was but he was being annoying." Looking back at Tyler I gave him an evil eye and all he did was smile and wave.

Josh laughed. "Yeah he can get that way sometimes."

I laughed as well. He was right, Tyler can get really annoying. But I he was trying to help a friend. I didn't know if for the right reason though. Josh obviously really liked Debby and I didn't want to be the one to separate them in any way and neither did Tyler.

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded and turned his body to face me. "What happened to our friendship?"

"What do you mean?"

"We used to seat together all the time. Study and talk and now you just wave at me in the halls and go your own way."

He looked down at his lap as if a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I miss that too it's just... I found this girl that I just think I really like. I want to spend every moment with her. I never meant to push you away or anything I just spend most my time with her now."

That hurt. It shouldn't of hurt. It was an honest apologize. But it hurt. Hurt that now I really believed I would never have a chance with him. Hurt that he really liked Debby and now I might be losing him. Not just as a potential boyfriend, but as a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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