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Chapter 1 ~ An Ordinary Morning

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Miyuki's POV

I wake up, 7 o'clock to the sound of rain. Ahhh yes, the rain, I love the rain. Isn't it just wonderful to hear each drop patter onto your window and race down to the bottom. I'm a pretty shady person. Boring as well. I don't really like talking to many people. I'm rather shy actually. Whenever I'm around people, I made situations awkward, so I tend to be that girl who sits the furthest from the teacher during class, doesn't put their hand up to answer questions and secretly sketches things in their book. And when the teacher comes by, you quickly turn to a page relevant to the class and pretend you're working. That's me, Miyuki Sakamoto, the girl who won and is still winning first place for avoiding social situations.

I heavily stand up, slip on my slippers, grab my wrinkled uniform, and walk towards the shoji doors and slide it open trying not to make a lot of noise. I don't want to wake up my parents, and by parents I mean monsters, demons, beasts. So basically if you disturbed their slumber, they'll attempt to threaten and murder you. I hate them. My life doesn't consist of anything interesting. I'm like some sort of robot to them that does chores for them. I have to make everyone's bed, dust the benches, make breakfast, wash the vegetables, take the trash out (my parents are trash, can I throw them out?!), wash the clothes, sweep the rooms and the list keeps going. Apparently they work so hard that they are busy and tired, yet my dad has the time to go out and have drinks everyday with his friends, while my mum smokes on a cigarette or 3. As I head to the bathroom to take a shower, I hear heavy snoring from the dormant demons. 

I have reached my destination, the safest place in the house. The bathroom, well for me it is. It's the only place I can actually feel safe as I can have my privacy, away from the beasts. I sit on the stool, grab the spray wand, bucket and soap and take a nice warm shower, followed by brushing my teeth. I change into my uniform which consists of a buttoned white shirt with a navy blue collar, along with the matching pleated skirt and a crimson scarf knotted loosely around the neck. After that, I brush my coal-black coloured hip length hair, and then head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Today's menu, white rice, miso soup, sardines, rolled scramble egg, bacon and sausages. I reserve some for my lunch for school and leave 2 extra servings for my parents to eat. It'd probably get cold by the time they wake up but, I don't care.

As I look at the clock, I almost choke on my soup. 8:20 already!? School starts at 8:30 and it takes 15 minutes to get there using my mode of transport. That's my 2 feet. My school is very strict about arriving on time. Once, there was girl probably in year 9 or so, who arrived 3 minutes late and she received an after school detention. I wouldn't mind getting that detention slip actually. That's another excuse for being away from my parents, although they would complain about my absence as I do almost everything in the house. Without me, they are like complaining toddlers demanding for food and a clean nappy! I'm not the mother of the household. Sometimes I feel like a 25 year old, when I'm actually 17 in year 12. So I stuff my face with the food, grab my bag, shove my pencil case and books into it, slide my knee high socks on, switch to my unpolished school shoes, grab the umbrella and head out the door. 

The rain had stopped although there were dozens of puddles but I rushed to school, running. Yes I ran. How stupid of me. I can't run, I'm no athletic person. So of course I had to slip over a boulder (it was a pebble) and bash my head into a tall, thin boy about the same age as me who wore the male version of my school's uniform. All my books and stuff inside my bag (basically my private life) fell out and I look up at the boy. We exchange glances. I can smell his light colone and it was sweet. I start to blush, but I recognize his face. He's the science freak, Satoshi Tamaki.

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