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Chapter 2 ~ Mission Humiliate Myself, Success!

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  Miyuki's POV  

"Ehhh, sorry.", I apologise as I unbury myself from his chest and pick up my belongings. He seems to be looking at me in either surprise, or disgust. He wears black frames that shape his eyes making them look bigger and bolder, uniform with one unbuttoned button and a strand of hair that rests on his forehead (I can tell that he tried to make himself look presentable. A+ for effort). Oh and how can I forget, a single half read thick book in his hands that has the title Science. The World, which completes his appearance. That's number 9 817 on my tally marks list of awkward situations.

I continue walking, power walking without looking back at him once. He catches up with me, "Hey, you in a rush?" As he races beside me. 

I stay quite for a while but I manage to find words, "Umm, yea.", I say as my hair conceals my red face as I continue to walk forward without making any direct contact with him.

"You know..", he continues, "school starts in 30 minutes. It's only 8 o'clock." My eye twitches, my brain has a fart. Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I forgot....again. I always set my clock 20 minutes ahead because I'm always late to things. This is one of those times when a single tear rolls down my cheek. "Are, are you crying?", he questions as he leans towards my face but I quickly turn my head away.

"Uhh no.", I respond with my one worded answers. I continue walking as I gradually create a distant from him. He obviously can't see my barrier that clearly states, "WARNING, do not come near, bombs will come off if you do. "

I come across the busy street that I always get petrified of. I almost killed myself once. Look left, right, left, right again. Trucks, cars, motorcycles go by. Left right, and just as I was about to cross, that guy has to tug me by the wrist, "STOP! You scared me. Car coming, see.", he says pointing at the passing vehicle. That was a close one. I look at my wrist, and I see his hand has gripped onto me quite tightly. His fingers are pressed against my skin to the point where you can see his veins protruding out a little. This is not embarrassing at all. I just proved to him that one, I can't run and two, I can't cross roads. I uncling myself from him by grabbing my phone to check the time that leaves a trace of white that outlines his hand mark on my skin. "And...", Satoshi speaks as he concentrates on the road as I'm still trying to process what's happening, "Now.", he says as he gently taps me by the arm signifying to cross. At this point I just want to get to school and never see his face again.

This is mortifying abuse! I proceed on walking but he tags behind me. "So, do you usually walk to school alone?", he asks me as he combs his hair through his fingers. 

"Umm yes, I do.", I reply. 

"The name's Satoshi Tamaki.", he says holding a hand out. OH NO. The dreaded handshake. And of course I know your name. You appear in every single assembly for achieving the highest score in science. I don't want to make the situation awkward, but I don't want to make any personal contact with a guy. I drag my clammy hand out and position it against his. His hand is cold and I want to drag away but it's too late. Satoshi lays his fingers on the back of my hand and grips on. I flinch internally. I'm trying so hard to restrict my screaming. I just want to shake of his hand but instead, he moves his hand up and down which causes me to do the same. Thinking to myself that this situation is not too bad, I begin to form a subtle smile. "My name's Miyuki Sakamoto.", I reply softly looking into his brown eyes as the sun reflects against them giving them a glisten.

He lets go of my hands and smirks, "You sure are quiet. And pretty cute as well...", he says as his voice fades away but I manage to catch it. I don't say anything, but I blush just a little.

We've already reached the school gates and I proceed to the same bench in the corner of the playground, but Satoshi follows me. Do I look like some dog owner with a leash in my hand? I sit down, and he does that same. "Is this where you usually sit?", he asks. 

I say, "Yea, I always sit here." 

"Alone?", he wonders. 

"Umm yea. I know, it's pretty boring, you can go find you friends if you want to. I'm fine here.", I explain without make any eye contact to his face. I just look down. 

"Oh," he continues, "Actually, it's quite nice here. Under the trees, enjoying the breeze, it's quite nice. Your choice is very logical indeed. You know tree leaves are green because," And I think in my head, oh crap, he's gonna start his long detailed sciency explanations that nobody wants to listen to. So I just sit staring at the cracks on the ground and pretend I'm a polite person. "of the abundance of the pigment chlorophyll, which is essential to converting sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into energy-rich sugars."

Finally the school bell saves me. I start walking to my first class, but my shadow seems to be following me, Satoshi. "You can go to your friends now. I'm heading to first period. Umm, bye.", I say walking off. 

But of course he has something to say, "But I am in your class, remember. I sit in the second row from the front. I think you sit at the back row, correct?" Dammit! I forgot that he's in every class of mine. He even knows where I sit. Who has time to pay attention to that?!

"Oh really, that's great." I say sarcastically as I die internally.

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