First day back

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20 year old Emma swan sat on a nearby bench at a park in New York. There were children of all ages running around and playing but Emma really only cared about one. Arias the park, about to go down a slide was an adorable 2 year old, brown haired boy, with the most adorable freckles splayed over his nose, bright green eyes, and dimples every time he smiled.

Henry was at the park with his parents who were across the way, the mother was a pretty woman in her 30's with long brown hair and the father was a tall brown haired man with a nice smile. They looked like the picture perfect family.

Today was the first day Emma had ever seen Henry in person, she'd never interrupt his life but she.. she had to at least see him one time, and make sure he's happy.

When the little brown haired boy made his way down the slide, he looked around triumphantly, and when little green eyes somehow locked onto twin older eyes, Emma had no doubt that her little one was indeed happy.

The time came that Regina had to go back to teaching, Monday morning rolled around and she hit the snooze button on her alarm as she started up at the ceiling. She rubbed at her eyes tiredly before turning her head a bit to look at the younger blonde who was currently tucked into her side, fast asleep. Regina shook her head with slight amusement as the blonde had slept right through the alarm.

So much had happened over the course of this last week and it all really had Regina speechless, neither her nor Emma had to worry about Mal coming around anymore, one because both Emma and Regina had easily gotten restraining orders against her, and two because Regina's mother had pulled a few strings and got Mal transferred out of this town to another over 1,000 miles away.

Regina's life seemed to finally be falling into place and she honestly couldn't be happier. She had to admit that after finding out Emma had a child she was a bit skeptical of her, but after Emma had finally opened up and told her about Neal and why she gave Henry up she couldn't stay mad at her. It has been extremely difficult for the blonde but it was something that needed to be done.

Since that fight with Mal, things between Emma and Regina had been a bit strained and unfortunately Emma knew why. Regina was still upset or confused over the entire Henry situation and though that entire situation is something Emma wished she could forget and not talk about, she knew she needed to share the story with Regina.

Emma slipped her hand into Regina's as they walked into Emma's house and she gave her hand a soft squeeze. "We need to talk." She said softly as she led the older woman into the living room. Regina was silent as she sat on the couch with Emma, she turned her back to rest against the arm of the couch and she gave Emma her undivided attention.

"You and I aren't doing so good Gina.. and I think I know why... you don't trust me. Not after finding out about Henry the way you did and for that I am deeply sorry." She began and Regina downcast her eyes to her lap. "I've lived the past years being lied to and hurt Emma. I just wanted the truth." She said and Emma sighed but nodded. "You're right, and you deserve the truth, the full truth so here it is."

Emma turned to sit in a similar fashion as Regina with her back against the opposite arm and her legs were crisscrossed.

"At midnight on my 18th birthday I was thrown out of my last foster home. All I owned was packed into my backpack and I was left to fend for myself in New York. It was a cold night, and I was exhausted and freezing. So as I was walking through the streets of New York I did the only thing I could think of. I found an unlocked car and slipped into it in search of a way of staying warm. What I had failed to realize whilst getting into the vehicle was that there was someone asleep in the backseat. As I sat there the person in the backseat sat up and nearly gave me a damn heart attack." She paused to look up at Regina and sighed.

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