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I've had enough of this.

'Sure, everyone has a past. Everyone has at least some sort of hardship in their life. Some more than most. Some people are care-free. And then there's me. Betrayed. Hurt. Heartless. This is what my previous friends did to me.'

'I hate them for that.'


"Percyyyyyy!" James, his younger brother called. Yet again, Poseidon broke his oath again and had another child. 'He wasn't a bad kid, just a bit.... Suspicious at times'. "Yeah?" he turned around from grooming Blackjack, his hand pausing on the brush. "I saw Annabeth cheating on you with some Apollo kid!" he said with a panicked expression. Percy had always had a feeling that Annabeth was cheating on him, yet he had never gotten proper confirmation of it.

James led him to a clearing in the forest. Once they saw Annabeth, they hid behind a tree to watch them. She seemed to be having a fine time, making out with a guy who Percy recognized to be Peter. He slid a hand around her waist, teasingly running his fingers along a bare patch of skin there. As Percy watched, a tight and burning feeling grew in his chest, and he stepped out into the clearing. It took them a while, but they eventually did notice him. ".... We're over." he announced. Annabeth smirked slightly. "Good. At least you found out before I had to tell you, Seaweed Brain." The nickname hurt, and Percy winced slightly before he paused, trying his best not to yell at them both, and then he stalked off, hands deep into his pockets. His mouth pulled back in an ugly grimace as he tried to quell his desire to slice the bastard's head off.

He heard the soft steps behind him grow louder as James ran up to him. He was eight, rather young for him to be in camp, but Chiron had insisted that he come early. His dark green eyes looked up at Percy with a mournful expression. "What are you going to do?" he asked quietly, holding onto his wrist. ".... Nothing yet. There isn't anything I can do." he replied just as quietly with a gentle smile, ruffling his soft and fluffy light brown hair.


Percy's dreams that night were anything but peaceful. There were flashes and pieces of images, events he could barely make out. Typhon, who was awakened once more, was destroying the eastern half of the US. And there he was, staring into the mirror, pale skin, white hair with black growing out from the roots, and dark eyes with what seemed to be a void of darkness, swirling slowly. His own expression showed one of determination and harshness, just barely softened by the dark blue cloak swung on his shoulders. Then, a blurry figure stepped behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist with a tenderness that almost reduced him to tears. There was a flash of blond hair, a playful smile, and bright blue eyes that sparkled with mischief, then everything went pitch black.

He woke up in a panic, mainly because of the pounding on his door. Percy hurried to the door and opened it, yawning and running a hand through his dark hair. Chiron stood there, holding Riptide, which Percy swore that he had had earlier, a somber expression on his face. "What's happened? Who died?" he asked, worried, and partially joking at the same time. "Perseus Jackson," Percy swallowed nervously at that, as Chiron had never used his full name unless it was because of something important. "You have been seen murdering your own brother." he said, dropping the sword and letting it clatter loudly against the ground. "Leave this camp. We do not want murderers here."

It took him a bit, but it suddenly all came to him in a sudden rush of emotion. Percy fell to his knees and just stared up at the sky, silently questioning the gods why they took the only person who had ever truly loved him. After a while, the dark haired male slowly got up, went inside his cabin, and packed his things, shoving Riptide into his back pocket as he went. Once he finished, he walked to Thalia's pine tree and gently placed a hand on it, whispering goodbye before walking away, not looking back once.

Percy had only gotten a few steps outside the camp before a painful flash of light nearly blinded him. "PERSEUS JACKSON." the voice boomed. He sighed quietly. "Yes?" The light cleared and suddenly he was somehow on Mount Olympus, standing in front of all the gods. "YOU HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF PLANNING TO OVERTHROW THE GODS." it turned out that it was Zeus. Go figure. Who else would have such a flair for theatrics? "NOW IS THE TIME TO PLEAD HOW YOU WILL DIE."

"So, I don't get a say in whether I'm innocent of not?"


"Well geez okay."

Suddenly, Athena piped up. "Considering the fact that he cannot seem to keep his mouth shut, I suggest we give him to Polybotes." she said evilly. Percy's face went pale. "EXCELLENT IDEA, DAUGHTER." Zeus thundered. "ALL WHO AGREE WITH THE IDEA, RAISE THEIR HAND." Only Hades and Hestia did not raise their hands, not looking at him. All his hopes fell face first once he saw that even Poseidon voted to send him to Polybotes. "WELL THE DECISION IS MADE. PERSEUS JACKSON WILL BE SENT TO POLYBOTES FOR HIM TO DO WHATEVER HE WISHES WITH HIM." With a wave of his hand, Zeus sent him away. Percy's vision faded to black until his back hit a hard wall painfully. He looked up to see Polybotes smiling at him evilly, and his face went pale. "We're going to have a lot of fun, Perseus."

And years after that, screams of pain echoed through Tartarus, until his true father came to him one night.

Edited: 4/4/19

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